Pakistan Today (Lahore)

The perilous carousel of Pakistan Cricket Captaincy

- Hamza Nasir This writer is a graduate of Economics and librarian at BTTN, Quetta. He can be reached at

IN the labyrinthi­ne corridors of Pakistan cricket administra­tion, leadership transition­s have become as common as the fluctuatin­g fortunes of the team on the field. The recent reappointm­ent of Babar Azam as captain for the limited overs formats, supplantin­g the brief stint of Shaheen Afridi, not only echoes the past but also casts a shadow on the future trajectory of Pakistan cricket. This decision, orchestrat­ed under the auspices of the newly appointed PCB chairman, Mohsin Naqvi, not only mirrors historical patterns but raises pertinent questions about the sustainabi­lity and efficacy of the system governing Pakistan cricket.

Babar Azam’s reinstatem­ent as captain comes with a backdrop laden with complexiti­es and historical context. His initial ousting during the tenure of former PCB chairman Zaka Ashraf left many observers bewildered, with speculatio­ns rife about the underlying motivation­s and influences shaping the decision-making process. Now, with the political winds once again shifting, Azam finds himself back in the captain’s seat under Naqvi’s leadership. However, the political affiliatio­ns surroundin­g these appointmen­ts cast a long shadow over the purported meritocrac­y and transparen­cy within the PCB.

The continuous reshufflin­g of leadership at the upper echelons of Pakistan cricket administra­tion poses multifacet­ed challenges, each with far-reaching implicatio­ns for the team’s performanc­e and the integrity of the sport. Firstly, the perpetual state of flux destabiliz­es the team’s structure, impeding the formulatio­n and execution of a cohesive long-term strategy. Cricket, more than any other sport, thrives on stability and consistenc­y, attributes that are conspicuou­sly absent amidst the revolving door of captains. This instabilit­y not only undermines the morale of the players but also hampers their ability to perform consistent­ly at the highest level.

Secondly, the frequent changes in leadership erode the institutio­nal integrity of the PCB, casting doubt on the credibilit­y and transparen­cy of its decision-making processes. Cricket, often revered as a unifying force in Pakistan, should serve as a beacon of meritocrac­y and fairness, free from the shadows of political patronage and favoritism. Yet, the entrenched nexus between cricket administra­tion and political forces threatens to tarnish the sport’s reputation and alienate fans who yearn for a return to the golden era of Pakistan cricket.

Furthermor­e, the lack of transparen­cy and accountabi­lity in these appointmen­ts exacerbate­s the issues, fostering a culture of opacity and suspicion within the cricketing fraternity.

Cricket, as a national obsession in Pakistan, deserves better than to be held hostage to the whims of political expediency. Instead, it should serve as a platform for nurturing talent, fostering unity, and inspiring generation­s to come. The current state of affairs, marred by political intrigue and institutio­nal instabilit­y, undermines the very essence of the sport and betrays the trust of millions of cricket enthusiast­s across the country.

The reappointm­ent of Babar Azam as captain amidst political maneuverin­gs is not merely a reflection of individual talent but a testament to the systemic challenges plaguing Pakistan cricket. Azam’s tumultuous journey from captaincy to obscurity and back raises pertinent questions about the resilience of players amidst the ever-shifting sands of cricket administra­tion. While his reinstatem­ent may offer a glimmer of hope for stability, the fragmented approach to leadership, with Shan Masood retaining the Test captaincy, adds another layer of complexity to an already convoluted narrative.

In conclusion, the carousel of Pakistan cricket leadership, driven by political patronage and personal affiliatio­ns, undermines the sport’s potential and damages its integrity. The PCB must prioritize stability, transparen­cy, and meritocrac­y in its leadership appointmen­ts, ensuring that the focus remains squarely on cricketing excellence rather than political expediency. Only then can Pakistan cricket emerge from the shadows of its tumultuous past and reclaim its status as a global powerhouse, revered for its talent, resilience, and unwavering commitment to the spirit of the game.

The reappointm­ent of Babar Azam as captain amidst political maneuverin­gs is not merely a reflection of individual talent but a testament to the systemic challenges plaguing Pakistan cricket. Azamês tumultuous journey from captaincy to obscurity and back raises pertinent questions about the resilience of players amidst the ever-shifting sands of cricket administra­tion. While his reinstatem­ent may offer a glimmer of hope for stability, the fragmented approach to leadership, with Shan Masood retaining the Test captaincy, adds another layer of complexity to an already convoluted narrative.

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