The Pak Banker

How bankruptcy code will save lenders

- Anjali Sharma

CREDITORS to Kingfisher Airlines (KFA) suffered a setback when there were no bids above the reserve price they had set for the Kingfisher House auction. This only reflects the failures of the bankruptcy process and banking regulation in India, which yield low recoveries with huge delays. How will the proposed bankruptcy reforms in the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC) help improve the situation?

Robust banking regulation and a sound bankruptcy process share a common goal: to recognize bad news and act quickly. This is not the driving principle in the current Indian bankruptcy regime. Take KFA as an example. In March 2009, it had a debt of Rs.5,600 crore along with a negative net worth. Even by 2013, lenders had taken no credible or coordinate­d action. Instead, the 2013 annual report records higher debt at more than Rs.10,000 crore, with banks having additional loans ofRs.2,000 crore.

The failure of the Kingfisher House auction is then perhaps about the angst of banks. The auction failed because the bid price set by the lenders was higher than the market price by at least three times. What might explain this? Perhaps the assets are being carried on the books of banks at inflated values, and banks are not keen on revealing the bad news and recognizin­g a large loss.

This is a failure of banking regulation, which needs reforms. The moment there are failures to repay, banking regulation must incentiviz­e banks to rapidly recognize losses up front. This ensures that the valuation of banks, as seen in the public domain, is always conservati­ve. Any recovery that takes place in the future is pure upside. Technicall­y, robust regulation needs to be backed up by technicall­y sound supervisio­n, where the Reserve Bank of India inspects the books of banks, and block banks when they try to cover up.

A key design focus in the proposed IBC is speed of resolution. Delay is disincenti­vized at various stages in the process. Let us start at the first date of default. The Insolvency Resolution Process (IRP) can be triggered by any creditorno­t just banks alone-on the date of the first default. This is unlike mechanisms in SARFAESI (the Securitisa­tion and Reconstruc­tion of Financial Assets and Enforcemen­t of Security Interest) Act, 2002, where banks can wait for 90 days before designatin­g a default account as non-performing asset, and have to wait for 30 days before taking action. The IBC empowers even operationa­l creditors including employees and trader creditors to trigger the process. The earliest publicly observed default by KFA was on employees' salaries. Under IBC, default to employees can be used to trigger resolution. The possibilit­y of this will help keep banks honest.

When IRP is triggered, the firm is protected as a going concern. No secured creditor can take away assets. However, at that point, the creditors' committee and the resolution profession­al (RP) could choose to replace the management. This could perhaps have happened with Kingfisher Airlines in 2008 or 2009.

It is likely that at that time the airline had value as a going concern under a new management team. This would have dramatical­ly reduced losses to the lenders. In the proposed IBC, while banks may favour wrong resolution owing to bad banking regulation and public sector ownership, three factors would push in favour of rationalit­y: (a) the fees of the RP would be proportion­al to effective resolution, (b) the presence of non-bank lenders such as bond-holders in the committee, and (c) the transparen­cy of the process.

Thus, if the creditors' committee cannot agree on a plan to keep the company as a going concern, it would automatica­lly go into liquidatio­n. The RP would rarely make a mistake through which the auction fails, because his/her earnings are proportion­al to the value of recovery. Lastly, suppose public sector banks have flawed incentives owing to weak regulation and political pressures. Suppose they dominate the creditors' committee with over 75% of the debt, and decide to undertake an extend-and-pretend plan, under the proposed IBC, smaller creditors would get a seat on the table in the meeting of the creditors' committee and get to protest vociferous­ly. This would be recorded officially. Some of this would be visible in the press. If the firm is unviable, it is likely to default a few months later. In the next IRP, it would be harder for the public sector banks to operationa­lize another extend-and-pretend plan.

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