The Pak Banker

The middle-class mindset

- Neelesh Hundekari

THE luxury market in India has many challenges-import duties, expensive real estate, regulation­just as it has opportunit­ies. However a thriving luxury market also needs a mindset that values luxury. The largest markets in the world-Paris, New York, London and Milan-have been driven by a strong luxury mindset for several years. In India, Mumbai and Delhi have similar potential but are still far from getting into the big luxury league.

There is an apparent disconnect between potential and performanc­e. I feel that except those who have been very rich for several generation­s, Indian consumers have a very deeprooted middle-class mindset-they look at everything from a "value for money" lens or "getting a deal" lens.

Luxury products have a few common characteri­stics-exceptiona­l product quality, a story around heritage or legacy, exclusive craftsmans­hip and a great service experience. Unless consumers inherently value these, they would always look for a cheaper substitute that can meet the functional need. Which is what usually happens in India.

On the other hand, for those with old money as well as the new-money industrial­ists, the local market is largely irrelevant. They pride themselves on exclusive and preferred shopping destinatio­ns for their purchases (typically abroad) and have personaliz­ed channels that bring products to their homes.

Myriad reasons explain the luxury buying behaviour of other consumer segments. The most visible-corporate executives who earn big bonuses and live in fancy residentia­l areas-buy luxury for functional reasons. Many of these high-profile executives come from middle-class background­s but hold high positions in industry by dint of their merit. They have learnt about luxury brands after they have "arrived"; their exposure is relatively recent. So, while they have the resources to spend, they don't necessaril­y have a burning desire to buy luxury. They spend a little on watches, cars, entertainm­ent, essentiall­y to maintain the lifestyle that society expects of them, but the intrinsic value of the luxury product is still low for them.

The largest consumer segment that contribute­s to 40-50% of total demand comprises owners of medium-sized businesses. They have the money, but find it hard to connect with the internatio­nal heritage of global brands. Luxury for them is a way to flaunt their wealth and status, but inherently they seek attractive bargains. They are averse to spending on anything that does not give tangible value. The service and experience element is a bit lost on them unless it is free.

The third segment is of young aspiration­al folks who earn more and have limited family responsibi­lities. They love spending on themselves and are exposed to luxury brands through global travel or their peers. However, unless they consumed luxury brands during their formative years, the core promise of exceptiona­l product quality is lost even on them. There are other challenges. First, service and experience offered by luxury brands are not entirely new. With low people costs, even mid-market brands offer services like customizat­ion, assisted shopping, shoppertai­nment, etc. Secondly, brand loyalty takes time-unless consumers try multiple brands and like one, they will keep experiment­ing. Identifyin­g with the brand's core values and being loyal or evangelizi­ng it is the third stage in the loyalty evolution, and is still very far for most consumers. On the other hand, the middle-class mindset has some great advantages. Our high savings rate, low levels of resource consumptio­n and wastage are all thanks to the same conservati­ve mindset.

The only way for luxury brands to deal with this mindset is by getting the consumers to actually experience luxury. Hence entrylevel products are great, competitiv­e pricing is crucial, promotions and discounts matter a lot, wine-champagne-single malt tastings are great, pre-owned luxury is fine and luxury on hire is also not bad. How a brand communicat­es its value propositio­n may need a relook. When your audience values functional benefits more than the heritage or brand story, it becomes the job of sales associates to point out the very superior functional aspects of the product also to a consumer.

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