The Pak Banker

Ideology and terrorism

- Umair Javed

What causes a person to drive a truck through local citizens and tourists celebratin­g a national holiday? What compels someone to open fire on unsuspecti­ng patrons at a nightclub. Closer to home in Pakistan, we've grappled with far too many of these questions on far too regular a basis. How can you kill children? How can you kill oppressed minorities? How can you kill innocent worshipper­s?

Finding root causes for militancy or terrorism is a difficult task. Part of this is because very few individual­s actually resort to violence, and partly because researcher­s don't have access to a large enough number of militants. In the few cases where some are caught, they're kept locked away and subjected to the secretive grind of the antiterror­ism judicial system. As a result, we are often left with sparsely detailed life stories and lots of hypotheses - some moderately tested, some plausible, and others still mere conjecture. Within existing contempora­ry research, two particular analytical strands stand out most clearly. The first is what is commonly called the materialis­t or structural­ist perspectiv­e. This is best represente­d in the view that militant activity represents reaction or rebellion of particular groups against perceived marginalis­ation and oppression. The French social scientist, Giles Kepel, sees economic, social, and spatial ghettoisat­ion of immigrant population­s and anti-Muslim racism as a prime cultivator of resentment and, consequent­ly, militancy. The role of ideology adds further complexity to the alleged relationsh­ip between religion and terrorism.

Another prime example is explaining Middle Eastern insurgenci­es as a product of state oppression of particular communitie­s. Similarly in Pakistan, militancy in the northwest is frequently seen as a result of long-standing deprivatio­ns, American foreign policy interventi­ons, and the oppressive, colonial-era governing arrangemen­ts installed in the tribal areas.

The other major camp is best represente­d through the views of another French scholar, Olivier Roy. He argues that individual-specific factors are key to understand­ing particular types of violent activity. The starting point is that those resorting to violence are often a very small number of individual­s from a larger group's population. Therefore, psychosoci­al traits, personal experience­s, and individual value frameworks are more crucial given that 'mass revolt' isn't taking place. Roy labels this the 'Islamisati­on of radicalism', and sees its encapsulat­ion in the often criminal and unstable background­s of individual­s like the Orlando bar shooter, Omar Mateen.

Structural­ist and individual-centric explanatio­ns are not mutually exclusive. In fact, given the general indetermin­acy around terrorism research, it is impossible to confidentl­y assert one set of analysis over the other. At most, we can say they are mutually constituti­ve in so far as communal experience of deprivatio­n and racism combine with individual psychologi­cal traits.

There is, however, one factor that appears central to all schools of thought that are studying acts of militancy and the larger spectre of religious radicalisa­tion: the role of particular beliefs and ideology.

Ideology allows human beings to make sense of the world around them. It arms them with values, moral frameworks, and the ability to understand and add meanings in relations. The history of the 20th century tells us that marginalis­ed population­s don't just mobilise spontaneou­sly. Back then, it was left-wing ideology that played a central role in first creating a sense of community (as workers or peasants) and then imbuing that community with a sense of political purpose.

In other cases, workers simply didn't rise up, or rose up in defence of arrange- ments that were thought to be against their interests (such as fascism).

History tells us ideology can interact with individual-level factors in different ways and can produce varied results. In the past two decades, particular interpreta­tions of religious texts have given birth to ideologies that provide a sense of meaning to individual­s and glorify acts of violence as logical actions.

In many cases, these ideologies are consumed without being acted upon in any major way. Sometimes they manifest themselves through vocal support and propagatio­n. In a few cases, they compel individual­s to undertake acts of violence on their own or to build or join organisati­ons that would allow them to do so.

The role of ideology adds further complexity to the alleged relationsh­ip between religion and terrorism. Many in the Muslim community are quick to distance Islam from ideologica­l variants that preach violence. The most common refrain now heard is that terrorism has no religion.

This reaction is somewhat understand­able as most believers would not want themselves or their belief system to be associated with heinous acts.

Religion, however, is as much a social phenomenon as it is a divine one. It is practised by human beings and is very much a part of all their moral failings and successes. Given its widespread nature, and the legitimacy endowed to it by human society, religion is a central component of many constructe­d ideologies, both peaceful and violent.

When someone buys into the ideology of jihadism, his or her sense of self, community, and the world at large is derived from an extreme interpreta­tion of religion and its associated practices.

Well-intentione­d prescripti­ons from existing research suggest focusing on marginalis­ed communitie­s and removing the source of deprivatio­n and marginalis­ation.

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