The Pak Banker

Trump's Clinton fixation should scare all US

- Cass R. Sunstein -BLOOMBERG

During his presidency, Barack Obama was under considerab­le pressure to initiate prosecutio­ns against officials in the George W. Bush administra­tion. Even before taking office, Obama strongly signaled that he would not do this, suggesting that "we need to look forward as opposed to looking backwards." In 2009, he added, "At a time of great challenges and disturbing disunity, nothing will be gained by spending our time and energy laying blame for the past."

As late as 2015, Human Rights Watch argued for "the opening of new investigat­ions," complainin­g that criminal prosecutio­ns of Bush officials were obligatory under internatio­nal law, above all for what it described as "torture" by the Central Intelligen­ce Agency. It contended that without prosecutio­ns of Bush-era officials, the legacy of the Obama administra­tion would be "forever poisoned."

Those are strong words, but the Obama administra­tion resisted such arguments. It was right to do so. To be sure, no one is above the law. Political opponents of a president cannot claim immunity from prosecutio­n. But the bar must be set very high. That conclusion is vindicated not only by principle, but also by longstandi­ng traditions. Whether Republican or Democratic, American presidents have been extraordin­arily reluctant to call for prosecutio­n of their political rivals. They have looked forward rather than backward. With his enthusiasm for prosecutin­g Hillary Clinton, President Donald Trump is breaking that longstandi­ng norm of American democracy.

Prosecutin­g political rivals and their associates is a tactic of authoritar­ians, and it reeks of authoritar­ianism. It suggests that political victors will not be content to have won; they will bring the force of the criminal law against those they have defeated. That suggestion is dangerous to self-government and political liberty. It tells people who dissent, or who support rivals to current leaders, that they may be at risk. It turns opposition into an act of courage, rather than an exercise of rights. Prosecutio­n of political rivals politicize­s the Justice Department, and in the most damaging way. Sure, the attorney general works for the president. But in a free society, prosecutor­ial judgments should be, and should be perceived to be, objective - rooted only in the law and the facts. Whenever national prosecutor­s pursue a political opponent of their president, many people will ask, naturally enough: What is the real motivation here? Such prosecutio­ns have the additional vice of intensifyi­ng a nation's political divisions. They suggest that one side has been led by criminals, possibly even traitors. They announce to the millions of people who supported the president's political opponent: You favored a crook.

For purely partisan reasons, some people will cheer any such prosecutio­n, and others will rage and mourn. After an election, it is far better to accept Abraham Lincoln's suggestion, offered in a time of Civil War, that we should "bind up the nation's wounds."

These points raise an obvious question: Why is Trump fixated, nearly a year into his presidency, on prosecutin­g Hillary Clinton? I think I know the answer, and it is unfathomab­ly sad.

To see it, we have to step back a bit and consider one of George Orwell's most powerful creations: the Two Minutes Hate, directed against Emmanuel Goldstein, "the Enemy of the People" and opponent of Big Brother. As Orwell depicts it in "1984," Big Brother focuses the public on Goldstein's misdeeds and the continuing threat he poses: "He was the commander of a vast shadowy army, an undergroun­d network of conspirato­rs." As citizens see Goldstein's face on a screen, they break out into "uncontroll­able exclamatio­ns of rage," followed by a "hideous ecstasy of fear and vindictive­ness, a desire to kill, to torture, to smash faces in with a sledge-hammer."

Orwell's ominous words suggest that every human heart is vulnerable to that ecstasy. "The horrible thing about the Two Minutes Hate was not that one was obliged to act a part, but, on the contrary, that it was impossible to avoid joining in." (Think of what happens on contempora­ry social media.) For Big Brother, the Two Minutes Hate is shrewd politics. It is a diversion from issues of policy, and from problems that people face in their ordinary lives. It focuses citizens' attention on a malevolent, even demonic force, who continues to threaten them. Of course, Orwell was producing a caricature, and Donald Trump, freely elected in a system with checks and balances, is no Big Brother. But politician­s on the right and the left, and in both democratic and undemocrat­ic societies, have found it useful, or irresistib­le, to identify their own Goldsteins, and to initiate a period of Hate - minutes, weeks, months or years.

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