The Pak Banker

Focus on Afghan peace


The quadrilate­ral dialogues featuring diplomats from Pakistan, the US, Russia and China held in Moscow focused on Afghan peace.

The attendees "urged all sides to immediatel­y reduce violence", as recently released UN figures show that a large number of civilians have been killed in acts of violence within Afghanista­n.

The key concern behind the talks is that were Afghanista­n to implode, the chaos thus spawned would not remain confined within its borders, and would spread across the region. All the participat­ing states have stakes in Afghan security, which is why the meeting called for a resumption of stalled peace talks between the Afghan Taliban and the US, the real power behind the government in Kabul. The quadrilate­ral process is a welcome developmen­t and may pave the way for regional states to support Afghan peace.

Afghanista­n became a central battlefiel­d in the Cold War, as the Americans and Soviets jousted for influence; Afghanista­n has yet to recover from the instabilit­y of the 'jihad' that was fought in its cities and towns. Where the US and Russia are concerned, ironically, both states have played key roles in bringing Afghanista­n to its current sorry pass.

Moreover, the Americans soon found themselves involved in a new Afghan adventure, this time bringing 'justice' and 'democracy' to Afghanista­n by punishing the Taliban for their support to Al Qaeda in the post-9/11 scenario. However, today both Washington and Moscow find themselves trying to bring peace to Kabul.

As for China, it also fears Afghanista­n becoming a base for extremists that may target its interests. And Pakistan has the most to lose from an unstable Afghanista­n; for the past four decades, this country has been affected by the instabilit­y within the borders of its western neighbour. Naturally, if Afghanista­n is destabilis­ed further, Russia will be concerned due to its geographic proximity, while the US will also want to prevent terrorist groups from finding refuge in the country.

Afghan civilians have paid a high cost for hostilitie­s between their government and the Taliban. As per UN figures, over 1,100 non-combatants were killed in violence between July and September, with the Taliban carrying out numerous bloody attacks during the Afghan presidenti­al polls.

It is hoped the quadrilate­ral process is carried forward so that talks between the US and Taliban resume.

Meanwhile, reports that the results of September's presidenti­al election have been delayed are worrying.

A power vacuum in Kabul will only result in more chaos, which is why a representa­tive government acceptable to all Afghans must take power soon. And while external players have their roles, lasting stability can only come when the Taliban and their Afghan rivals decide to end hostilitie­s and work for peace.

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