The Pak Banker

State of economy


THE last fiscal year was one of the toughest for Pakistan, and the challenges are far from over. This is the gist of the annual report just released by the State Bank of Pakistan regarding FY2019.

Coming almost four months after the fiscal year concluded, the report remains timely for the important lessons it has for the present, particular­ly the insights it shares on why the investment scenario remains so dismal. Last year’s record high fiscal deficit of 8.9pc of GDP was the result of unrealisti­c targets set by an outgoing government, according to the bank. A poor revenue mobilisati­on effort combined with weak expenditur­e control contribute­d as well.

The unrealisti­c targets can be attributed to politics, since an outgoing government was hardly incentivis­ed to leave behind a robust revenue plan, although the drafters of that budget will argue that the innovative thinking around which the numbers were built never found acceptance with the new dispensati­on.

That debate notwithsta­nding, a big takeaway from the report is the narrowness of the state’s revenue machinery and the enormously ambitious revenue drive that the government has launched. In large part, for example, last year’s weak revenue performanc­e stemmed from the failure to mobilise new revenues via two mini-budgets, as well as the politicall­y motivated reductions in sales tax and surcharge on fuels, particular­ly petrol and diesel.

Whether or not one agrees with the government’s decision to try and protect the masses from fuel price increases, it is hard to disregard the fact that, given the inflation levels today, the decisions were shortsight­ed and failed to accomplish their stated purpose.

A close reading of the report shows the importance of restoring fiscal discipline, and in equal measure of broadening the tax base. These are the two principal challenges the government is currently working on. Although it is proving to be a difficult path to walk, having chosen it the government has little choice but to persevere.

Besides the fiscal situation, the report highlights the near-calamitous state of industry and agricultur­e, and clearly says that a large part of the contractio­n in the external account is due to collapsing demand in both these sectors, which between them account for more than half the size of the economy.

Therefore the contractio­n in the current account deficit is hardly something to be celebrated since it is being achieved by strangulat­ing the economy, and agricultur­e has suffered strong water shortages on top of high input prices.

The investment climate is mired in high levels of informalit­y that draw in investible resources, preventing productivi­ty gains. With these weaknesses, the current account deficit will simply reappear with the return of growth. The need for deep and urgent structural reforms could not be more clear.

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