The Pak Banker

Tensions mount over French transport strike


Tensions between the French government and unions opposed to pension reforms mounted Sunday as a crippling transport strike entered its 11th day.

The overhaul, unveiled this week by Prime Minister Edouard Philippe, would do away with the 42 separate pension systems -- some of which offer early retirement and other benefits to public-sector employees such as train drivers, dockers and even Paris Opera employees.

Philippe angered unions further by proposing a reduced payout for people who retire at the legal age of 62 instead of a new, so-called "pivot age" of 64. Strike organisers have announced a massive protest for Tuesday when tens of thousands are expected to take to the streets again.

Unions are hoping for a repeat of 1995, when they forced a rightwing government to back down on pension reform after three weeks of metro and rail strikes just before Christmas. The prospect of a protracted standoff has businesses fearing big losses during the crucial yearend festivitie­s, and travellers worried that their holiday plans will fall through.

Philippe told the Parisien daily in an interview for its Sunday edition that the French would not accept being "deprived" of festive transport options. "I can well see that everyone is worried as they see Christmas near. Christmas is an important time," he said.

On Friday, he asked SNCF chief Jean-Pierre Farandou to draw up a list of exactly which trains would be running during the festive season.

 ?? -APP ?? Advisor to the PM on Commerce, Textile, Industries & Production and Investment, Abdul Razak Dawood in a meeting on Trade Policy (STPF).
-APP Advisor to the PM on Commerce, Textile, Industries & Production and Investment, Abdul Razak Dawood in a meeting on Trade Policy (STPF).

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