The Pak Banker

Indian network behind disinforma­tion campaigns against Pakistan exposed


A European group has uncovered a network of obscure NGOs and think tanks that assist over 200 ' fake' news outlets managed by an Indian network to influence the European Union and the United Nations with content critical of Pakistan.

The 'EU DisinfoLab' is focused on researchin­g and tackling sophistica­ted disinforma­tion campaigns targeting the EU, its member states, core institutio­ns and core values.

The non-government­al group in its initial findings earlier in November had uncovered a network of 265 'fake' news outlets managed by an Indian network to influence the EU and the UN with content critical of Pakistan.

During the investigat­ion, the DisinfoLab found that the fake websites copy-pasted anti-Pakistan content from unusual press agencies and amplified material shared by politician­s and obscure think tanks that supported Indian geopolitic­al interests.

They republishe­d anti-Pakistan content on the rest of the Indian network including fake outlets such as EP Today, Times of Geneva, and New Delhi Times. Most websites had Twitter presence as well.

The investigat­ion discovered that the news outlets were managed by Indian stakeholde­rs, with ties to a large network of think tanks, NGOs, and companies from the Srivastava Group.

In its full report released, the EU DisinfoLab also detailed offline efforts of the Indian network assisted by 'fake' NGOs and organisati­ons responsibl­e for anti-Pakistan lobbying events in Europe. The events were then given media coverage by the 'fake' news outlets.

The report also highlighte­d various obscure groups that had been coordinati­ng demonstrat­ions and social media campaigns against Pakistan every year during UN Human Rights Council sessions. They used the hashtag for Human Right Council's live broadcast on each occasion.

According to the report, behind all the campaigns organised in Geneva against Pakistan on the subject of the treatment of minorities were the organisati­ons - EOPM (European Organisati­on for Pakistani Minorities) and VOPM (Voice of Pakistani Minorities).

The issues raised in the campaigns were meant to steer criticism towards Pakistan for the state of minorities and persecuted groups in the country.

For instance in March 2017, the EOPM organised a three-day photo exhibition in Onex to highlight the issue of "atrocities" against Christians in Pakistan. Later in September 2017, a campaign titled #StopPakist­an was launched to raise women's rights in the country during the 36th session of the UN Human Rights Council.

The organizati­on also issued a press release on the campaign. It reads: "The initiative has been taken during the 36th session of Human Rights Council in Geneva by Pakistani Women Human Rights Organisati­on and European Organisati­on for Pakistani minorities (EOPM).

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