The Pak Banker

Lacking foresight


In Pakistan's deliberate absence, the Kuala Lumpur Summit that was touted as a forum to discuss the "state of affairs of the Muslim Ummah" wrapped up last Saturday.

Pakistan absented itself from the summit after Prime Minister had concluded his visit to Saudi Arabia. Thus, the dangers of lack of proper planning and foresight at the state level, especially in sensitive matters of foreign affairs, have become apparent in that fiasco.

At the summit, Dr Mahathir Mohamad, one of the architects of the summit, explicitly said the conclave was not a replacemen­t for the Organisati­on of Islamic Cooperatio­n. This is the fifth edition of the summit and the 2019 meeting was given an additional boost as Dr Mahathir, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Prime Minister Imran Khan had sought to make the forum a proactive one, along with other Muslim leaders, to discuss the state of affairs in the lands of Islam.

Neverthele­ss, Pakistan's abrupt withdrawal from the summit caused diplomatic embarrassm­ent. This was compounded by revelation­s by Mr Erdogan on Friday that the Saudis asked Pakistan to withdraw or else face the expulsion of Pakistani expatriate­s from the kingdom as well as the withdrawal of Saudi funds deposited in this country. The Saudi embassy in Islamabad has termed these comments "fake news".

As we have stated previously in these columns, proper homework should have been done before committing Pakistan to the summit.

Withdrawin­g from the moot at the last minute, after Prime Minister Imran Khan made a dash to Saudi Arabia, did little to lift our internatio­nal image. This reflects bad form and a lack of planning at the top. Surely, there are experience­d hands at the Foreign Office as well as retired veteran diplomats and other experts in internatio­nal relations who could have been consulted to weigh the pros and cons of attending the summit before making a policy decision. Pakistan at one time enjoyed great prestige in the Islamic bloc; today, this reputation risks being tarnished if thoughtles­s actions such as the KL Summit debacle are repeated. Perhaps some damage control can be done by organising a conclave in Pakistan to discuss the Muslim world's problems.

As for the OIC secretary general's contention that events such as the KL Summit "are not in the interest of [the] Islamic nation", this position is highly debatable.

It can be asked what - over the decades - has the OIC done to alleviate the sufferings of the Palestinia­ns, the Kashmiris, the Rohingya and other persecuted Muslim groups suffering from oppression. The bloc has been known for paralysis and grandiose, hollow statements more than for taking action.

The fact is Riyadh was wary of the KL moot where its geopolitic­al rivals - Turkey, Iran, Qatar - participat­ed as equals.

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