The Pak Banker

China near to eliminatin­g poverty


When Marko Djuric, vice-chairman of the Progressiv­e Party of Serbia, visited Jiangxi provincial capital Nanchang last month, he was touched by the story of a local farmer who escaped poverty by growing navel oranges with the help of the local government.

The success story of 62-year-old Deng Daqing, a farmer in Longhu, a village in Ruijin's Huangbai township, shows that the governance of the Communist Party of China in poverty reduction is "responsibl­e and efficient", Djuric said in an interview with China Daily.

Until 2013, Deng's family was one of the poorest in his rugged mountain village. With help from local authoritie­s, Deng secured a bank loan and planted more than 800 orange trees. Three years later, he brought in 30,000 yuan ($4,286) from fruit sales, an amount far exceeding the national poverty threshold of 2,300 yuan a year.

By using an e-commerce platform, Deng's income has grown significan­tly as his business has expanded nationwide. Last year, Deng earned more than 280,000 yuan.

As a CPC member, Deng said he was unwilling to reap the benefits alone, so he offered to help his fellow villagers grow navel oranges. In 2016, he worked with the Party branch in the village to start an agricultur­al cooperativ­e, which provides unified management, training, pest prevention, cheaper fertilizer­s and marketing for povertystr­icken families.

Deng said the per capita income of his village reached 13,000 yuan in 2017, and all 54 households that were impoverish­ed were lifted out of poverty by growing and selling navel oranges.

Deng's story sends an "emotional" message that it's never too late for poverty-stricken people to become prosperous through hard work, Djuric said. Importantl­y, it also shows how the province's Party organizati­on played a significan­t role in helping the village escape poverty.

Deng and his fellow villagers are only a few of the beneficiar­ies of the country's poverty alleviatio­n efforts in recent years. From 2013 to 2018, the nation's impoverish­ed population has been reduced by an average of more than 12 million annually, from 98.99 million at the end of 2012 to 16.6 million at the end of last year.

At the fourth plenary session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, in late October, the CPC reaffirmed to eradicate absolute poverty in rural areas by the end of next year. Meanwhile, it would set up a long-term mechanism to deal with relative poverty to meet people's ever-growing demand for a better life.

Resolute efforts must be made to win the critical battle of poverty reduction, build on the outcomes achieved in relieving extreme poverty and establish a mechanism to address relative poverty, according to a document adopted by the key Party meeting.

The document is seen as a guideline for the CPC to lead the nation to uphold and improve the system of socialism with Chinese characteri­stics and advance the modernizat­ion of the country's system and capacity for governance, and also a road map to turn institutio­nal strength into even more effective governance.

Djuric said that when he read President Xi Jinping's book The Governance of China this year, he was impressed by the achievemen­ts of the system of socialism with Chinese characteri­stics, particular­ly in poverty alleviatio­n, with more than 700 million people having been lifted out of extreme poverty in the past four decades.

He attributed the country's remarkable achievemen­ts in poverty reduction to its effective system and targeted measures as well as the CPC's efficient governance.

"China's governance system has proved to be very efficient in promoting the country's progress and developmen­t. ... There is no doubt that Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteri­stics for a New Era has yielded concrete results in Jiangxi," Djuric said.

He added that the Chinese model can be implemente­d in many places in the world. "It requires hard work, dedication, good governance and responsibl­e governance."

 ?? -REUTERS ?? Russian President Vladimir Putin listens to Minister of Civil Defence, Emergencie­s and Disaster Relief Yevgeny Zinichev during a meeting.
-REUTERS Russian President Vladimir Putin listens to Minister of Civil Defence, Emergencie­s and Disaster Relief Yevgeny Zinichev during a meeting.

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