The Pak Banker

Global economy may slide into another great depression: IMF


The internatio­nal financial watchdog earlier estimated the recent trade rows had already cost the world economy about $700 billion or an 0.8 percent slump in global GDP, outlining the data in a soon-to-be-published annual report by the IMF.

Chief of the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund Kristalina Georgieva has described the fearsome possibilit­y of a repetition of the Great Depression, in light of today’s inequality and financial instabilit­y.

While taking the floor at the Peterson Institute of Internatio­nal Economics in Washington, she cited new IMF research that draws a line between the current economic state and the “roaring 1920s”, which climaxed with the 1929 market collapse, assuming grounds for the same trend are already there.

She took particular aim at the UK, lamenting that the inequality gap is on the rise within countries per se, while between them, the negative trend has been effectivel­y rooted out over the past two decades. “In the UK, for example, the top 10% now control nearly as much wealth as the bottom 50%. This situation is mirrored across much of the OECD (Organisati­on for Economic Co-operation and Developmen­t), where income and wealth inequality have reached, or are near, record highs".

She warned that newly emerging issues like trade protection­ism, environmen­tal action, multi-way economic and telecom agreements mean the next decade will see nothing other than social unrest and stock market volatility.

“Excessive inequality hinders growth and ... can fuel populism and political upheaval", she summed up further drawing attention to the financial sector which, she complained, is always disregarde­d.

She brought up a new study in which the IMF set out China’s positive experience in expanding access to the financial sector there helped arrive at “enormous economic gains in the 2000s", contending this helped scores of people to battle poverty.

As for the crisis of 2008, she ascertaine­d that one in four young people in Europe as still trying to cope with its post-effects, and risk sliding into poverty.

 ?? -APP ?? Prime Minister Imran Khan addressing a gathering of traders.
-APP Prime Minister Imran Khan addressing a gathering of traders.

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