The Pak Banker

Not so fictional

- Babar Sattar

Well begun is half done, they say. The year 2020 has started well for some. If we thought 2019 entrenched control from behind the curtain, the beginning of 2020 has already brought along extension in tenures through statute and a declaratio­n that a special court establishe­d back in 2014 (that continued the trial of General Musharraf while functionin­g under the watchful eye of the Supreme Court) was illegal after all. Let’s see what the rest of this year has in store for democracy and rule of law and fundamenta­l freedoms for the ordinary folk.

Shuja Nawaz, the author of ‘Crossed Swords: Pakistan, its Army and the Wars Within’ and the younger brother of General Asif Nawaz (a well-regarded no-nonsense COAS who died on the job) has produced a firstclass account of US-Pakistan relations based on primary research: ‘The Battle for Pakistan: The Bitter US Friendship and a Tough Neighbourh­ood’. He makes the army look good for the most part, providing a detailed account of Pakistan’s engagement with the US and the war on terror. But he is no propagandi­st. He says it how a sympatheti­c but candid bystander would see things when it comes to domestic politics.

Shuja Nawaz says his book launches in Pakistan have had to been cancelled. What is the message we are being given if speech that is 95 percent favourable and about five percent critical has to be censored in full? He writes: “The military… pays ritualisti­c obeisance to the concept of civilian supremacy... but actual decision making on defense matters tends still to be largely in the hands of men in uniform...”

“The prospects of government­al instabilit­y emerging from the 2018 elections makes the role of the army even more powerful, given the general perception .... If the new government falters or fails, there is the perennial specter of the much-discussed soft coup of the military being followed by a hard coup to establish an ‘Egypt of the Indus’.” Is there a big secret being divulged here?

There are two main theories on military control of the state. One, that the military is an overgrown institutio­n whose institutio­nal interests don’t leave much room for the healthy growth of other institutio­ns. Two, that the incompeten­ce and dishonesty of politicos prevents civilian ascendency and creates a vacuum that the military inadverten­tly fills. Proponents of civilian control of the military usually subscribe to the first theory. However, there are periods in our history that make the second seem equally plausible, like some recent developmen­ts.

The PML-N’s slogan ‘vote ko izzat do’ was in a nutshell a call to struggle for democracy, rule of law and civilian control of the military. The Supreme Court’s decision in the matter of the army chief’s extension created a situation where parliament became relevant for the first time post-Election 2018. Beyond whether the chief ought to be granted an extension or not, here was a unique opportunit­y for politicos to put their heads together to determine how elected government­s are to command the military and raise and maintain it, as the constituti­on mandates.

Parliament sensed the opportunit­y, but one to establish which political party is more loyal than the king. The PML-N leadership communicat­ed to its ranks from London, even before the draft extension law could be put together, that it would unconditio­nally support the extension. This vote of confidence and support was by a party that has been crying foul over Election 2018 for usurpation of its mandate by selectors who allegedly managed Nawaz Sharif’s ouster and then bled the PMLN through a thousand cuts. May God be praised.

The sum total of formal consultati­on on this vital legislatio­n was a meeting of a committee comprising representa­tives of the PML-N, the PPP and two ministers. A minister asked if the parties were going to support the extension. They said they would but would like to propose amendments to improve the law. One minister patiently read the amendments. And then the PML-N and PPP were politely told that the draft bill had to be passed without any addition or deletion. Everyone obliged.

Faisal Vawda showed up with a boot at Kashif Abbasi’s show and all hell broke loose. He is insulting our most solemn institutio­n, said many in a frothing state. With his theatrics, Vawda managed to offend almost everyone. But for once there was merit in what he meant, which was that the PTI has all along been unabashedl­y sycophanti­c. It was the PML-N and PPP who claimed to be espousing a higher cause of swearing allegiance to principles and not men. And here when they had an opportunit­y to take a position, they were falling over themselves to court power.

It’s a vicious cycle and we’ve come full circle a few times. But to our credit, we keep trying to achieve the impossible.

-The writer is a lawyer based in Islamabad.

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