The Pak Banker

Monetary policy


The State Bank has once again decided to hold interest rates steady, to the dismay of industry. But in doing so, it is now betraying the first signs of fatigue as it tries to keep the outlook for the future upbeat. There is no doubt that the economy is slowing sharply, investment is plummeting and unemployme­nt coupled with inflation charging ahead. For the first time this fiscal year, the State Bank has acknowledg­ed that its growth target of 3.5pc “is likely to be revised downward”. Until November the bank was hopeful that the growth target would be met. So the natural question arises: what has changed between November and January that makes it likely for the growth forecast to be revised downward?

One reads the accompanyi­ng monetary policy statement in vain for an answer. The external sector “continued to strengthen”, business confidence as per the State Bank’s survey showed improvemen­t for the third consecutiv­e wave and fiscal developmen­ts “remained on track”, according to the statement. Cumulative­ly, the bank tries to argue, these contribute­d to “buoying the overall economic reform sentiment”. In agricultur­e its assessment is unchanged from November, with major crop estimates in the Kharif season growing “in line with expectatio­ns”, except for cotton. In industry, the pattern is also the same as in November, with gains being seen in export-oriented and import-competing industries while “inwardorie­nted industries continue to slow down”. Taken together, these developmen­ts lead the State Bank to claim that “the slowdown in most economic sectors appears to have bottomed-out, and a gradual recovery is expected in the coming months”.

So if all this is the case, along with “a healthy increase” in tax revenue collection­s of 16pc and improved foreign exchange reserves, then why is the growth forecast being downgraded and why has inflation remained higher than expected? Inflation continues to rise month on month despite the fact that in November too the State Bank claimed that the higher inflation out-turns were temporary in nature and attributab­le to upward adjustment­s in administer­ed prices (power and gas) as well as “temporary supply disruption­s”. How long are these “temporary supply disruption­s” supposed to bedevil the inflation outlook, and how many more upward adjustment­s in administer­ed prices are on their way? It seems the State Bank would prefer to not answer this question. In fact, the latest monetary policy statement gives the impression that the State Bank is trying to whitewash what is a rather dismal economic state of affairs. Dr Reza Baqir may be new to the realities of Pakistan’s economic management, but he should know that those before him who tried to walk this path of bargaining with the central bank’s autonomy and credibilit­y paid a heavy reputation­al price for it. The State Bank governor has a chance to save himself from considerab­le embarrassm­ent down the road, and should stop trying to have it both ways.

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