The Pak Banker

Democrats pushing a National Climate Bank


The idea of a National Climate Bank is catching on in Congress, and it could infuse billions of dollars into efforts to eliminate the US's planet-heating carbon emissions. A handful of Congressio­nal proposals have been made over the past year calling for the government to start investing in technology upgrades and inventions that would cut down on greenhouse gases.

Funds from the National Climate Bank would ideally lower the financial risks associated with green innovation - encouragin­g private investors to throw more money into the pot, without shifting costs to consumers. The hope is that the bank can tackle everything from building up the infrastruc­ture for electric vehicles and solar power storage, to making communitie­s more resilient to the effects of climate change.

A National Climate Bank is at the center of a broad set of policies proposed this month by the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. The effort, called the Climate Leadership and Environmen­tal Action for our Nation's (CLEAN) Future Act, is aimed at bringing greenhouse gas emissions down to essentiall­y zero by 2050. The National Climate Bank would pull together the public and private investment needed to transition to an economy with pretty much no carbon footprint. It builds on bills introduced in both the House and Senate that would create an independen­t nonprofit bank capitalize­d with $35 billion in federal funds. That bank could mobilize up to $1 trillion in total public and private investment over three decades, advocates estimate.

It's a business-friendly environmen­tal strategy with bipartisan appeal and a proven track record thanks to the success of state and local green banks, advocates of the national bank say.

"I think this should be one of the less controvers­ial provisions that people talk about, because I don't care who you are, we need to be investing in innovation and technology," Congresswo­man Debbie Dingell (D-MI) tells The Verge. Dingell introduced the National Climate Bank Act bill in the House in December. Senator Ed Markey (D-NY) introduced a similar bill in the Senate in July. The bank they're proposing would be able to fund projects directly and funnel cash into existing regional green banks.

Over the past decade, state and city green banks have popped up across the US. These aren't banks you deposit money into. They bring together public, private, and philanthro­pic capital to push clean energy projects forward that otherwise might not get off the ground. Since the the concept first got rolling in 2009, 14 green banks across the nation have generated $3.67 billion in clean energy investment, according to an annual report from the American Green Bank Consortium, a membership organizati­on for green banks and financing groups.

Congresswo­man Dingell points to Michigan's green bank, Michigan Saves, as one successful model. It's financed about $220 million in local environmen­tal projects since its founding in 2009. For each public dollar the state puts in, it can mobilize $30 in private investment, according to Michigan Saves president and CEO Mary Templeton. A majority of that has gone to residents who, say, want to upgrade their homes with solar power or insulation to become more energy efficient. The challenges the bank faces now, Templeton tells The Verge, have to do with scaling up and reaching low to moderate income communitie­s where some people might not quality for traditiona­l credit.

The National Climate Bank could help in both areas, she hopes. And there's another green bank floating around Congress that could give Michigan Saves a boost too.

 ?? -APP ?? Students viewing the displayed models during their visit to Karachi Port Trust building.
-APP Students viewing the displayed models during their visit to Karachi Port Trust building.

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