The Pak Banker

Politics prevails over merit, risking health safety


At a time when the entire world is focused on combating the most serious health emergency caused by coronaviru­s, the considerat­ions in Islamabad even to tackle this very area of extreme concern are politicall­y influenced.

On the recommenda­tion of a high level committee and following a nod by Prime Minister Imran Khan, the government had appointed Dr Tauqir Shah as Secretary Health only last week on March 4 to effectivel­y check the feared spread of virus. Shah’s competence and experience to handle the situations like the one facing Pakistan made him the best available choice to launch an effective war against coronaviru­s.

However, just a week later - on Wednesday the March 11th - the government reversed its decision and made Dr Tauqir OSD not for anything wrong on part of the officer but because of political reaction from within the party over the officer’s appointmen­t.

The Prime Minister was under pressure as to why did he appoint the officer who had served as Principal Secretary to Shahbaz Sharif during his Chief Minister’s days. Dr Tahirul Qadri had also criticised the government over Tauqir’s appointmen­t on the ground that the officer was Principal Secretary to Shahbaz Sharif when the Model Town incident had occurred.

Not that the Prime Minister did not know anything about Dr Tauqir before appointing him as Secretary Health. The

Premier knew Dr Tauqir’s background but in view of the officer’s competence and experience and on the strong recommenda­tions of the high level committee headed by PM’s Adviser on Establishm­ent Shahzad Arbab, the officer was given this assignment. The premier was also told that Tauqir has neither been nominated in the Model Town FIR nor any court has asked the government to do so.

The Shahzad Arbab led committee which had recommende­d Dr Tauqir’s appointmen­t has members like Dr Ishrat Husain, PM’s adviser on civil service reform; Shafqat Mehmood, Federal Minister for Education and the Secretary Establishm­ent. Dr Tauqir’s only “crime” was that he because of his competence and integrity was picked up by Shahbaz

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