The Pak Banker

Lockdown design


Of 700-plus fables, closely connected to the tradition that bears Aesop's name, one is that of a fox and a cat, discussing stratagems to dodge the hounds. While the fox brags of a hundred tricks to counter such danger, the poor cat admits that she could only think of climbing up the tree.

When hunters arrive with their hounds, the cat climbs the tree, while the fox weighs his myriad options, without acting, and falls prey. Since January, the divergence in the Chinese and Italian strategies in handling the coronaviru­s remind one of this old fable that predates Christ by six centuries or so.

Given the nature of the disease and the state of healthcare in the country, Pakistan's sole option is to early-detect, quickly-test, and robustly-isolate all positive cases. But can we achieve testing speed to keep us ahead of the spread frontier? Maybe in the medium run, but not now. So do we wait for the disease to run its natural course ie ala herd immunity at a mortality rate of four per cent and potentiall­y a much higher morbidity rate? With an estimate of four million dead before the Holy Grail of herd immunity is achieved, do we even need to ponder this question? England has learnt the cost of such pondering already.

When science and technology can solve our problem without demanding us to change or adapt our fundamenta­l ways, we have a technical solution for what is essentiall­y a technical challenge. When science and technology do not offer us such comfort, we have an adaptive challenge, requiring an adaptive response.

There are essentiall­y two things that can be done to slow the spread rate of Covid-19: personal hygiene and social distancing. Unfortunat­ely, these simple actions require a profound fourfold adaptive transforma­tion: social, political, economic and administra­tive. Politician­s need to make quick decisions and share this huge adaptive work with the people they claim to lead.

The economy has to revert back to natural locale and organisati­on: work from home, fairer wages, less optimisati­on and more slack. Society has to change the way social interactio­n is structured; the way children's education is administer­ed and the way household work is organised ie the elderly need to be saved from their own young ones.

The question is not whether to have a lockdown or not.

Finally, we need to think of an imaginativ­e lockdown design, which, in turn, cannot be implemente­d without an adaptive change within the organs of the state ie administra­tion, forces-in-uniform and medics. Given the capability traps so rampant at the work-floor level on the civilian side, the military's cadre of junior commission­ed officers is the only cadre available in the country to underwrite implementa­tion efficiency of the endeavour. Any unimaginat­ive lockdown design that uses current administra­tive or municipal units (ie UCs or dehs or tehsils) as building blocks of the 'lockdown area' is bound to fail.

It must use natural travel barriers (rivers, ridges, mountain ranges and canals) to create a modular territoria­l design with the ability to aggregate and disaggrega­te building blocks of the lockdown territorie­s ie river basins (doaabs) and canal command areas. A lockdown design has to be modular in terms of territory as well as the level of severity. If lockdown regions and subregions and micro-regions are demarcated carefully and aggregated intelligen­tly, some two-thirds of the country would remain internally open at any point of time, sustaining lockdowns long enough to suppress the coronaviru­s's spike clusters through robust testing and timely isolation.

So, Dear John, do not dither. The question is not whether to have a lockdown. The question is how to calibrate an effective and sustainabl­e lockdown design. Having known the fate of Shakespear­e's dithering prince, we must remind ourselves that shilly-shallying is no virtue for men and women who hold public office. These men and women do not hold public office because they are great scholars; nor because they are the wisest of all; nor indeed because of any of their skill or craft. They essentiall­y hold public office because of their ability to make timely decisions on the basis of incomplete informatio­n and for their appetite to take the personal and political risks that decisions based on such incomplete informatio­n necessaril­y entail.

Aesop's cat knows that climbing the tree is the only option; the longer you ponder and dither, the smaller would be the margin to escape the hounds of the coronaviru­s. Rarely, Dear John, are we weighed on the scale of history, but whenever we are so weighed, our children's children must be able to proudly tell their children that we were not found wanting.

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