The Pak Banker

Bank loans for home owners, small business


Australia's major banks are offering a range of loan concession­s for home owners and small business affected by coronaviru­s.

All the banks are offering a similar menu of relief for retail and business customers, although details of what's available differ between institutio­ns.

What's set out below is as up-to-date as possible, but what's on offer changes frequently and you should always check with your bank before making any financial decisions.

We haven't included interest rate offers because they often change.

For retail customers, the key thing all banks are offering is to allow you to stop making repayments on your home loan for up to six months. It's important to note that interest is capitalise­d. That means it continues to accrue on the whole amount during this time and you will end up paying back more money. You can either increase repayments or extend the period of the loan.

Small business customers are being offered a similar deal, but there are also a number of fee waivers and reductions available that vary by bank.

The limits on who's eligible for small business support also vary from bank to bank.

Importantl­y, if you have a tenant you may be prevented from evicting them if they don't pay the rent. Home loan borrowers can put their repayments on hold for up to six months - the bank says it will "check in with you after three months" if you do so. Interest run up during the period is capitalise­d.

Businesses that have taken out term loans of up to $10m can put repayments on hold for up to six months. Interest run up during the period is capitalise­d.

When it's up and running in early April, business customers with turnover of up to $50m a year will be able to borrow up to $250,000 under the Morrison government's loan guarantee scheme. The scheme will offer a six-month deferral of loan repayments, with interest accrued during the period capitalise­d.

The bank will automatica­lly defer repayments between April and June on loans to small businesses which have borrowed up to $5m. A further deferral is available "if needed". Interest run up during the period will either be capitalise­d or due at the end of the loan period, depending on the type of loan.

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