The Pak Banker

Virus pushes science and its controvers­ies centre stage


Hydroxychl­oroquine, double-blind studies, convalesce­nt plasma, herd immunity-the coronaviru­s pandemic has thrust the language of science into public view as never before.

Having escaped the confines of the laboratory, these and other once-obscure terms are fast becoming part of household parlance.

But familiarit­y with the terminolog­y does not necessaril­y lead to a better understand­ing, especially when there is an avalanche of new findings, experts caution.

When researcher­s disagree or change their mind on the efficacy of a treatment or policy, the normal back-and-forth of the scientific process can breed confusion, they say.

This is only amplified by a 24-hour news cycle and social networks, they add.

The number of studies about the new coronaviru­s and the disease it causes has skyrockete­d into the thousands, with hundreds more in the pipeline at any given time.

This is as it should be, said Serge Horbach, an expert on academic publishing at Radboud University in The Netherland­s and author of a new study about the explosion in research sparked by the coronaviru­s pandemic.

In a public health crisis that, to date, has infected nearly five million people and killed more than 315,000, "the rapid disseminat­ion of relevant scientific knowledge is of paramount importance," he wrote.

As of mid-April, he had catalogued more than 2,000 so-called pre-prints, published without having gone through a scientific journal's peer review, which normally takes many months. Even the usual channel in which research is subject to scrutiny by peers or fellow experts before publicatio­n has been "considerab­ly accelerate­d", Horbach said.

In the current global health pandemic, articles have been going online or into print within 57 days, half-again as fast as usual, he has found. Publishers have also made relevant studies freely available, and suspended the usual practice of releasing them under embargo which delays access even further.

For years, journals have been under pressure from frustrated authors and scientific institutio­ns to speed up a practice that dates to the early 18th century. And they have long "promised quicker and quicker peer review" in order to cater to readers and authors, said Ivan Oransky, co-founder of Retraction Watch, a US-based site that monitors correction­s in scientific publicatio­ns.

" A 'disenchant­ing effect' -

The coronaviru­s epidemic is not the first public health crisis in which fast-track publicatio­n has become even faster.

The same rush for results happened in 2009 with the H1N1 flu pandemic, and with the SARS epidemic in 2002/3. But the first turned out not to be the global killer feared, and the second-while devastatin­g-remained regional, and had a limited death toll compared to the current pandemic. However, the peer-review process takes time for a reason.

"One could wonder whether faster is always better," Horbach said. Experts worry that a deluge of often contradict­ory findingsDo­es this or that drug work? Are masks effective? -- results in a media free-for-all that can damage the credibilit­y of science itself.

"If you look at coverage by a lot of journalist­s of coffee, or red wine, or chocolate, it seems as though they're helpful one week and they kill you the next, and no one's quite sure," Oransky said.

-AP ?? While grape picking may be normal, vintners say they expect to lose at least 50% of their business this year.
MANILA -AP While grape picking may be normal, vintners say they expect to lose at least 50% of their business this year.

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