The Pak Banker

Is coronaviru­s killing the World Health Organisati­on?


President Trump formally began the process of pulling the United States out of the World Health Organisati­on, having accused the organisati­on of not holding the Chinese government to account for its handling of the coronaviru­s.

The withdrawal would not go into effect until next July. But the prospect of losing the United States as a member, far and away the WHO's largest donor, is a big blow to the organisati­on, and comes just a day after 239 scientists in 39 countries wrote an open letter claiming its guidance on airborne transmissi­on was outdated.

Trump's criticisms of the WHO may be hypocritic­al, but many public-health experts and journalist­s say they are not entirely unfounded. What has the pandemic revealed about the organisati­on's shortcomin­gs, and how can they be remedied?

The WHO's track record of responding to emergencie­s is uneven. While it boasts many momentous achievemen­ts - including the eradicatio­n of smallpox, the near eradicatio­n of polio, the developmen­t of an Ebola vaccine and a huge expansion of basic health care services in low-income countries it also suffers from institutio­nal sclerosis.

The World Health Organisati­on was founded as part of the United Nations in the wake of World War II, at the dawn of what some call Pax Americana, or the American Century. A product of that era's heady faith in internatio­nal cooperatio­n, the WHO stated as its founding objective "the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health."

In practice, this broad mandate has translated to alerting the world to potential public-health threats, preventing the spread of diseases, and championin­g universal health care policy. During emergencie­s like the coronaviru­s, the WHO is meant to act as a coordinati­ng body, employing its 7,000 workers spread over 150 offices worldwide to organise a global response, guide containmen­t, declare emergencie­s and make recommenda­tions in cooperatio­n with member nations. If a vaccine is ever discovered for the coronaviru­s, the WHO will play an important role in coordinati­ng its distributi­on and influencin­g its pricing.

But the WHO was never vested with any direct authority over its members, as Daniel Victor and Christine Hauser explain, so its mission often exceeds its abilities.

And like any governing body, the organisati­on is subject to budgetary and political pressures, especially from powerful nations like the United States and China, as well as from private funders like the Gates Foundation. The WHO's track record of responding to emergencie­s is uneven. While it boasts many momentous achievemen­ts - including the eradicatio­n of smallpox, the near eradicatio­n of polio, the developmen­t of an Ebola vaccine and a huge expansion of basic health care services in low-income countries - it also suffers from institutio­nal sclerosis. The WHO's sluggish response to the West African Ebola outbreak in 2014 was primarily responsibl­e for the severity of that epidemic, which killed 11,000 people in two years.

The Obama administra­tion was so displeased with the WHO that it largely bypassed the agency to coordinate its Ebola response with other countries.

AThe WHO's communicat­ion about the evolving science of the virus had been drawing scrutiny well before this week.

From the beginning, the organisati­on was loath to recognise evidence that symptomles­s transmissi­on was playing a significan­t role in the virus's spread. Instead, Amy Davidson Sorkin writes for The

New Yorker, the organisati­on dug its heels into semantic distinctio­ns that were "terribly misleading."

The WHO also initially refused to endorse masks for the public despite a growing body of evidence of their potential effectiven­ess. The WHO reversed its recommenda­tion only in June, by which time virtually all scientists and government­s had been recommendi­ng masks for months.

The WHO has been mired in political controvers­y, too, in large part because of its perceived deference to the Chinese government. Doctors in China were raising the alarm that the coronaviru­s was potentiall­y spreading from human to human as early as late December. Through the middle of January, however, the WHO continued to confirm Chinese officials' claims to the contrary.

By the time a Chinese official publicly acknowledg­ed the risk of human-to-human transmissi­on on Jan. 20, the virus was already seeding in major Chinese cities and had reached Washington State.

The WHO didn't declare a global health emergency for 10 more days, during which time the virus may have been spreading across the United States.

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