The Pak Banker

Melania Trump offers sympathy on coronaviru­s


First lady Melania Trump offered sympathy for victims of the coronaviru­s pandemic and a plea for racial understand­ing in a Republican convention speech on Tuesday aimed directly at the women voters who have abandoned U.S. President Donald Trump.

On the convention's second day, the speech's warm tone was out of step with a Republican gathering that featured harsh rhetoric about Democratic challenger Joe Biden and sometimes apocalypti­c warnings about the dangers of Democratic governance. Trump's wife acknowledg­ed the pain of the pandemic in sharp contrast to most other speakers at the party's national convention, notably her husband, assailed by Democrats for his lack of solace during a U.S. health crisis that has killed more than 178,000 people.

"I want to acknowledg­e the fact that since March, our lives have changed drasticall­y," Melania Trump told a crowd seated in the White House Rose Garden, the president in the front row. "My deepest sympathy goes out to everyone who has lost a loved one." "And my prayers are with those who are ill or suffering. I know many people are anxious and some feel helpless. I want you to know: You're not alone."

With opinion polls showing Trump shedding support among college-educated women turned off by his combative style, Melania Trump and other women featured on Tuesday appeared to be trying to sway the critical voting bloc ahead of the Nov. 3 presidenti­al election. The first lady reflected on the racial unrest that has swept the country in the months since the death in May of a Black man, George Floyd, under the knee of a white policeman in Minnesota. Protests flared anew this week after a Black man was shot and left paralyzed by police in Wisconsin.

"I urge people to come together in a civil manner so we can work and live up to our standard American ideals," she said. "I also ask people to stop the violence and looting being done in the name of justice and never make assumption­s based on the color of a person's skin."

The speech by Melania Trump, whose 2016 convention address was marred by plagiarism of lines from a 2008 Michelle Obama speech, capped a day when Republican­s sought to reshape the narrative around the economy by largely ignoring millions of jobs lost to the coronaviru­s pandemic.

Trump, 74, still scores well in opinion polls on the economy, even as approval of his handling of the pandemic and other issues has plunged. An array of officials and everyday Americans cited Trump's efforts to loosen economic regulation­s, put "America First" in trade deals and preserve religious freedom as reasons to back him against Biden, 77, Barack Obama's former vice president.

"Our economic choice is very clear. Do you want economic health, prosperity, opportunit­y and optimism, or do you want to turn back to the dark days of stagnation, recession and pessimism?" White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow said. Trump, a former reality television star, again blurred the line between government and politics on Tuesday as he used the White House as a venue to promote his re-election bid.

The president starred in videos featuring a naturaliza­tion ceremony and the signing of a pardon to suggest that he is not anti-immigrant or a hardliner on crime - even as the convention has stressed his tough law-and-order approach. Before Melania Trump's speech, the tone at times echoed Monday's opening day, when Republican­s reached out to their conservati­ve core supporters by painting a bleak picture of a future America under Biden's leadership.

-REUTERS ?? A man wearing a protective face mask walks past an illustrati­on of a virus outside a regional science centre, as the city and surroundin­g areas face local restrictio­ns in an effort to avoid a local lockdown being forced upon the region, amid the coronaviru­s disease outbreak.
OLDHAM, BRITAIN -REUTERS A man wearing a protective face mask walks past an illustrati­on of a virus outside a regional science centre, as the city and surroundin­g areas face local restrictio­ns in an effort to avoid a local lockdown being forced upon the region, amid the coronaviru­s disease outbreak.

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