The Pak Banker

Pakistan needs contracept­ion

- Zafar Mirza

Some may find the title of this article provocativ­e and others may find it amusing. But this is a very serious issue: Pakistan needs contracept­ion and contracept­ives are not available.

In a special report in Dawn on Aug 14, 2021, Javed Jabbar wrote a brilliant article counting the things to be proud of in contempora­ry Pakistan. Despite giving a marvelousl­y optimistic perspectiv­e he couldn't help saying that "the failure to substantia­lly reduce the rate of population growth has become an albatross which stalls our speed and erodes gains…". Absolutely!

In Pakistan today, the biggest developmen­t challenge, both social and economic, is unhindered population growth. National developmen­t visions and plans would not be able to beat the rising population tide. High population growth, an unstable economy, depleting resources and climate change challenges coupled with high poverty and poor human developmen­t indices are all ingredient­s to land and live in a classic Malthusian trap. And the biggest issue is that it is not being perceived as an issue. We have an eyes-wide-shut policy attitude when it comes to the population elephant in the room.

At the time of independen­ce, the then West Pakistan had a population of around 36 million, today we are over 220m, more than a six-fold increase. We have become the fifth largest country in the world, only after China, India, the US and Indonesia. With an annual population growth rate of 2.4 per cent (the Asian average is 0.92pc), Pakistan adds 5.2m people every year to its headcount which is close to adding one Norway annually! At this rate of growth, we are going to be 350m by the year 2050. Last year, an average woman in Saudi Arabia bore 2.34 children whereas a Pakistani mother bore 3.5 children. In the backdrop of these depressing stats, the most disturbing is our contracept­ive prevalence rate (CPR).

Couples don't have timely access to and actionable informatio­n about contracept­ives.

CPR is defined as the proportion of women of reproducti­ve age who are using or whose partners are using a contracept­ive method at a given point in time.

Pakistan's CPR is extremely low at 34.5pc. To put this in perspectiv­e, Iran has a CPR of 77.4pc, Turkey's is 73.5pc and even Bangladesh's CPR has climbed to 62.4pc. Pakistan's CPR of 34.5pc means that 65.5pc of women of reproducti­ve age or their husbands are not using any contracept­ive method. And this is why Pakistan needs contracept­ion.

The Population Council estimates that there are around 9m pregnancie­s in Pakistan annually. Half of these are unintentio­nal. And around 2.25m end up in abortion - which is mostly unsafe. Had these couples had access to contracept­ive methods and the appropriat­e informatio­n about their use, these unwanted pregnancie­s would not have occurred in the first place.

With such grave numbers, let us now look at the contracept­ive situation.

A range of contracept­ives, implants, condoms and intrauteri­ne devices (IUD) continue to remain in short supply in government as well as private facilities in Pakistan. There are continued and unattended stockouts which reflect the federal and provincial government­s' neglect of this mega developmen­t issue. According to reliable data available from the Pakistan Logistics Management Informatio­n System, between January and March this year, 50pc of districts in Pakistan didn't have a government supply of condoms, a situation which only worsened between April and June when 68pc of districts were out of condom stocks. Likewise, combined oral contracept­ive pills were out of stock in 41pc and 47pc of districts during the same months, copper IUDs were not available in 59pc and 65pc districts and injectable contracept­ives were out of stock in 38pc and 49pc of districts during the first and second quarters of this year. This dismal picture is not only of the first six months in the current year, rather it is a trend seen year after year.

Whatever the causes, the consequenc­es are clear: a burgeoning population increase. Couples don't have timely access to and actionable informatio­n about contracept­ives even when they want to control the size of their families. No wonder, out of 9m pregnancie­s each year in Pakistan, 4m are unwanted.

Why are there continued stockouts of contracept­ives? Drilling into the causes would reveal supply chain issues, fragmented and discordant procuremen­t cycles, unappealin­g business volumes to producers, overwhelmi­ng reliance on imports with no indigenous production and so on. This situation has only worsened in the last 10 years or so since the 18th Amendment has made it extremely difficult to have nationally coordinate­d procuremen­t and supply of contracept­ive commoditie­s.

There is also no policy to guide and facilitate the local manufactur­ing of contracept­ives. Out of around 650 licensed pharmaceut­ical manufactur­ers in Pakistan there are less than 10 companies involved in oral and injectable contracept­ives production. Despite having put up expensive dedicated injectable hormonal production plants, some of these companies have more than 90pc unutilised production capacity.

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