The Pak Banker

UN watchdog to brief wary Democrats on Iran program


WASHINGTON: Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Menendez has invited the top United Nations nuclear watchdog for a briefing on Iran's nuclear program that puts the top Senate Democrat on a collision course with President Joe Biden's plan to revive the 2015 Iran nuclear deal.

"Iran's refusal to cooperate with the IAEA is setting a dangerous precedent and weakening the global non-proliferat­ion regime," the New Jersey senator wrote to Internatio­nal Atomic Energy Agency chief Rafael Grossi in a Sept. 20 letter obtained by the Washington Examiner. "If Iran is allowed to frustrate the IAEA's efforts without consequenc­e, other states are likely to follow its example and similarly defy IAEA requests for access to nuclear sites or resist providing the IAEA with complete nuclear declaratio­ns."

Menendez requested that the IAEA provide "a briefing as soon as possible on the situation," which the Vienna-based Grossi is expected to provide during a visit to Washington on Oct. 19. That invitation reflects, among other things, bipartisan anxiety about Iran's refusal to answer questions about nuclear material detected at three secret sites - a standoff that some lawmakers say should preclude Secretary of State Antony Blinken's efforts to negotiate a mutual return to compliance with the nuclear deal, known formally as the Joint Comprehens­ive Plan of Action. "It's in violation of its NPT obligation­s," Menendez told the Washington Examiner, referring to the Non-Proliferat­ion Treaty. "I don't know how we can go into any negotiatio­n, and much less an agreement, unless Iran comes clean and we know what they did, what they're doing, and therefore you can move forward."

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