The Pak Banker

Chinese economy crashing?

- Ken Moak

The Western media and pundits are running all over each other to claim that China's third-quarter growth rate of 4.9% is a sign that the economy is running out of steam. Whether or not that is true only time will tell. But the China critics had sung that song many times before, only to be laughed at.

Besides, third-quarter GDP growth was down only marginally, by 0.1 percentage point, from the expected rate of 5%. While the 4.9% growth rate is significan­tly lower than the first and second quarters' 18.3% and 7.9% respective­ly, it is still higher than the United States' 3.5%. Besides, the Chinese government has only targeted a 6% GDP expansion for 2021.

Other third-quarter and September economic indicators supported the Chinese government's targeted rate of 6% for 2021. Exports, fixed investment and consumptio­n rose by 28%, 7.3% and 4.4% in September respective­ly from August, according to the country's main statistica­l agency, the China National Bureau of Statistics.

But perhaps examining the reasons for the decline in thirdquart­er GDP growth from the first and second quarters would give a clearer picture of China's economic outlook. Analysts have attributed that to the giant property developer Evergrande's debt issues, energy shortages, supplychai­n disruption­s, and Covid-19 surges, among other factors.

Assets and liabilitie­s On Evergrande's (and other property developers') difficulti­es meeting their debt obligation­s, the governor of the People's Bank of China (PBoC), Yi Gang, said the company's debt is "manageable." His comment was made in light of the Chinese property company's assets exceeding its liabilitie­s. Evergrande reported more than US$350 billion in assets and around $300 billion in liabilitie­s.

Equally noteworthy is that in China, the state owns the land and leases it to home and commercial buyers for a fixed period of time. So if Evergrande goes into bankruptcy, the government will buy the company's properties, compensati­ng creditors and investors.

The Evergrande debt issue is not a Lehman Brothers moment as some pundits would have the world believe. The Chinese company is a private property developer whose assets exceed its liabilitie­s and is therefore able to meet its liability obligation­s.

Lehman Brothers' liabilitie­s, on the other hand, far exceeded the bank's assets because of the risky financial derivative­s called collateral debt obligation­s it created. The CDOs differed from other financial derivative­s in that the former used the same original asset to create many derivative­s. This meant selling the same product many times.

The original derivative­s used only one asset as the underlying collateral, usually a riskless instrument such as a US Treasury Bill. CDOs often resorted to risky assets such as car loans as underlying collateral, prone to payment defaults.

So when the underlying collateral encountere­d defaults, the issuing bank (in this case Lehman Brothers) was not able to survive. The Lehman Brothers "moment" led to the 2008 financial crisis.

As for China's energy shortage, it was largely caused by its green energy policy, significan­t rises in the prices of coal, oil and natural gas, and the banning of Australian coal. There was also a huge demand for Chinese exports, creating a situation in which the demand for energy far outstrippe­d its supply.

However, Chinese officials are making plans to increase energy imports and reopen domestic coal mines. For instance, China is increasing imports of coal, oil and natural gas from Russia and other countries. Though that policy could set back China's goal of carbon neutrality by 2060, but it should solve the current energy issue.

Supply chain disruption­s Meanwhile, the US trade wars coupled with the Covid-19 pandemic have slowed down manufactur­ing in China, but affected that of the West more. For example, China's industrial output rose by more than 4% while that of the US dropped by 0.7% in September. Third-quarter US GDP growth was also lower than China's, estimated at 3.5% by the World Bank and other organizati­ons.

Indeed, the pandemic has shown how dependent the world, the US in particular, is on China. A slowdown in Chinese manufactur­ing created huge shortages in global industrial and consumer goods.

China remains the world's biggest destinatio­n of direct foreign investment. This would suggest that China's economic fundamenta­ls are strong, or at least not as gloomy as Western pundits would like us to believe.

China's industrial output rose by more than 4% while that of the US dropped by 0.7% in September. Thirdquart­er US GDP growth was also lower than China's, estimated at 3.5% by the World Bank and other organizati­ons.’’

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