The Pak Banker

US approves first pill for treatment of alopecia


The Food and Drug Administra­tion on Monday approved a drug called baricitini­b as the first oral tablet for treating severe alopecia areata, an autoimmune disorder affecting more than 300,000 people in the United States every year.

Alopecia causes either temporary or permanent patchy hair loss that can affect any hair-bearing site of the body, leading to emotional distress. The condition has come to the fore recently through high-profile cases including Hollywood actress Jada Pinkett Smith and congresswo­man Ayanna Pressley.

“Access to safe and effective treatment options is crucial for the significan­t number of Americans affected by severe alopecia,” said FDA official Kendall Marcus in a statement.

“Today’s approval will help fulfill a significan­t unmet need for patients with severe alopecia areata.”

Baricitini­b, which is made by US pharmaceut­ical company Eli Lilly and known by the trade name Olumiant, belongs to a class of drugs called Janus kinase inhibitors. It works by interferin­g with the cellular pathway that leads to inflammati­on. Dengue virus resurfaces in capital as 9 cases confirmed in 24 hours

Its approval for use against alopecia was based on the results of two randomized, controlled clinical trials involving a total 1,200 adults with severe alopecia.

Each trial split participan­ts into three groups: a placebo group, a group that received a two-milligram dose every day, and a group that received a four-milligram dose every day. After 36 weeks, almost 40pc of those on the higher dose grew back 80pc of their scalp hair, compared to around 23pc of the lower dose group, and 5pc of the placebo group.

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