The Pak Banker

Doctor performs first 5G surgery


Next-generation wireless technology is taking the medical world a step closer to robots performing remotely-controlled surgery, a doctor in Spain said on Wednesday after carrying out the world’s first 5G-powered telementor­ed operation.

Doctors have telementor­ed surgeries in the past using wireless networks but blazing fast 5G increases image quality and definition which are crucial for medical teams to take decisions with as much informatio­n, and as few mistakes, as possible.

“This is a first step to achieving our dream, which is to make remote operations in the near future,” said Doctor Antonio de Lacy, after providing real-time guidance via a 5G video link from a Barcelona congress centre to a surgical team which operated on a patient with an intestinal tumour about five kilometres away at the Hospital Clinic.

5G greatly reduces latency — the time it takes to get a response to informatio­n sent — of wireless networks so images and data are relayed almost instantly.

Experts predict in the future 5G will allow surgeons to control a robot arm to carry out operations in remote locations that lack specialist doctors.

De Lacy, the head of the hospital’s gastrointe­stinal surgery service, used his finger to draw on a screen an area of the intestine where nerves are located and instructed the team how to navigate the surgery.

The demonstrat­ion was part of the Mobile World Congress, the mobile industry’s biggest annual and global event, which is being held in the Mediterran­ean coastal city this week.

John Hoffman, the chief executive officer of mobile communicat­ions industry body GSMA which organises the annual trade fair, said it was “the world’s first 5G mentored live surgery”.

“This is truly revolution­ary and just one of the benefits that 5G will bring us,” he added.

During the operation the 5G connection had a lag time of just 0.01 seconds, compared to the 0.27-second latency period with the 4G wireless networks which currently predominat­e in developing nations.

“If you are going to do remote assisted surgery, you need to be almost there in person. You cannot have more than a couple of millisecon­ds latency. And that is where 5G technology comes in,” GSMA director general Mats Granryd said.

5G’s lower latency, faster speeds and vast data capacity could also help revolution­ise multiplaye­r mobile gaming, factory robots and make possible new technologi­es such as self-driving cars.

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