The Pak Banker

Debt and climate back on IMF, WB spring meetings agenda


The spring meetings of the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund and the World Bank are due to open Tuesday, with two clear objectives: help countries combat climate change, and assist the most indebted nations.

The meetings, which bring central bankers together with finance and developmen­t ministers, academics, and representa­tives from the private sector and civil society to discuss the state of the global economy, will kick off with the IMF’s publicatio­n of its updated World Economic Outlook. Even as they look ahead, the meetings will have an air of nostalgia this year, as 2024 marks the 80th anniversar­y of both institutio­ns.

They were born of the Bretton Woods conference, held in 1944 as allied nations sought to regulate the internatio­nal financial order after World War II, which was then still raging.

At the time the financial challenges were huge, with great swathes of Asia and Europe needing to be rebuilt. In many ways the problems now are no less daunting, particular­ly as the World Bank and IMF, which just reappointe­d its managing director Kristalina Georgieva to a second five-year term, seek a path forward on climate change.

“There’s the climate crisis, debt, food insecurity, pandemics, fragility, and there is clearly a need to accelerate access to clean air, water and energy,” World Bank head Ajay Banga said during a recent live streamed press conference. The Bank “cannot tackle poverty without the broader view,” he added, saying it is taking steps to widen its scope in order to help “create a world free from poverty on a livable planet.”

Providing financing as countries make the transition to a low-carbon energy future and prepare for the impact of global warming remains a central focus. Trillions of dollars are needed in this area, and both the IMF and WB are clear: they will never be able to cover all the resources required. But it’s not just a question of resources, as Rachel Kyte, a professor specializi­ng in climate policy at Oxford University, pointed out Wednesday.

“We need to see much more radical collaborat­ion” between the IMF, WB and regional developmen­t banks at the country level, she said. Doing so will call for “streamlini­ng procedures and processes.”

And then there’s debt, with the money owed by emerging countries once again at the heart of the discussion­s. Negotiatio­ns between creditors and indebted countries have stalled in a number of cases, further delaying the implementa­tion of IMF aid plans and the release of funds.

“The basic problem is that the Chinese don’t necessaril­y agree among themselves on how to proceed. And they don’t have a clear picture of what they have lent and to whom, given the multiplici­ty of players involved,” a source close to the matter told AFP.

This issue will be a particular focus of Wednesday’s meeting of the Global Sovereign Debt Roundtable, which brings together financial institutio­ns, representa­tives of the main bilateral and private creditors, and indebted countries.

The urgency has been underscore­d by the effect that interest rate hikes by the central banks of major economies, such as the US Federal Reserve or the European Central Bank, have had on debt.

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