The Pak Banker

Britain is now irrational­ly terrified of freedom

- Sherelle Jacobs

To call it a farce does not even come close. The Brexit saga has tipped into the realms of national tragedy.

For some reason, it is taboo for Leavers such as myself to admit that the project has been a calamity.

When it comes to “The B Word”, British politics has become gripped by a kind of “violence of silence”, with politician­s and voters alike reluctant to confront the fallout from the country’s mangled, halfway situation. But after a trip to the Devon fishing town of Brixham, I am more compelled than ever to be blunt.

On the one hand, Brixham represents our country at its best. It exudes an understate­d dynamism and a keen sense of national identity. In the morning, trawlermen watch their catch being auctioned at Brixham’s world-leading, stateof-the-art fish market.

In the evening they pour into the Sprat and Mackerel where the landlord has been known to pour pints in his slippers and Wi-Fi is banned. (“We Talk to Each Other” read the signs.) In the restaurant­s visitors feast on the hake, gurnard and cuttlefish prolific in Channel waters (as opposed to massimport­ed cod that has, in some twist of insanity, become our national dish).

Sadly, Brixham also captures everything that is wrong with this country. Tory Brexiteers promised that leaving the EU would allow Britain to “take back control” of its waters, and enable our fishermen to feast on a “sea of opportunit­y”.

Instead, the fishermen of Brixham told me that they are at the mercy on a daily basis “to whatever side of the bed French customs get up on” and are “drowning in red tape”. They are in despair, as Defra, with a zeal reminiscen­t of Brussels bureaucrat­s, slaps questionab­le quotas on fish, from cuttlefish to pollack. As one skipper, Tom, who voted Leave, told me: “To be honest it ain’t much better, because we’ve still got the same people in government who were there before, who have still got the EU ideology.”

It is not just the fishing industry that is reeling from the botched Brexit. In recent weeks, Britain’s trade talks with Canada have gone over the cliff, and the wine industry has warned that the new Brexit alcohol duty regime is “unworkable”. Tory efforts to introduce border checks for goods of animal and plant origin are becoming a fiasco.

As Brexit trade chaos worsens, the deregulato­ry dreams of Tory Leavers fade. In January 2023, we were once again promised a bonfire of red tape. Within a few months, the pledge to scrap 4,000 EU laws had been completely watered down.

The question is why Brexit has spectacula­rly failed.

Of course, the convention­al Remainer wisdom is that it was doomed from the start. But this neglects the elephant in the room: as it turns out, Britain is terrified of freedom.

Much of this fear is harboured by the elites. Whitehall is terrified of allowing our fishing industry to thrive, lest trawlers decimate the ecosystem. Defra officials, working within a bureaucrac­y that incentivis­es error avoidance over public service, are afraid to use their common sense on fishing quotas.

Britain is equally terrified of free trade, lest it plunges us into a libertaria­n dystopia awash with cancerous meat and alcoholism. Canadian negotiator­s have walked away because the UK Government, beholden to this country’s protection­ist farming lobby, refuses to allow Canadian farmers to sell hormone-treated beef here.

Some 10kg of steroid-implanted cow has about as much extra oestrogen as a boiled egg. It is the chlorinate­d chicken hysteria all over again.

The new Brexit alcohol duty regime that links rates to specific alcohol strength outdoes Brussels in its convoluted paternalis­m.

Most striking of all is that we are petrified of seizing on the biggest opportunit­y presented by Brexit and becoming an AI superpower. Parliament is growing sceptical that Britain can pursue a lighter regulatory approach to AI without degenerati­ng into an America-style “Wild Wild West”.

Hollywood fears that AI will exterminat­e humanity are starting to intermingl­e toxically with our Christian-socialist suspicion of “tax dodging” big tech egos.

When it comes to leading the world on AI healthcare, privacy concerns are turning policymake­rs and voters queasy about leveraging our trump card, which is the NHS’s possession of the world’s single biggest and most detailed collection of health records

 ?? ?? "Some 10kg of steroidimp­lanted cow has about as much extra oestrogen as a boiled egg. It is the chlorinate­d chicken hysteria all over again. The new Brexit alcohol duty regime that links rates to specific alcohol strength outdoes Brussels in its convoluted paternalis­m."
"Some 10kg of steroidimp­lanted cow has about as much extra oestrogen as a boiled egg. It is the chlorinate­d chicken hysteria all over again. The new Brexit alcohol duty regime that links rates to specific alcohol strength outdoes Brussels in its convoluted paternalis­m."

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