Lae helps Aussie bushfire victims


Papua New Guinea was all over the Australian news recently for its incredible generosity to the bushfireaf­fected community of Merimbula on the New South Wales east coast.

“I thought there might be anything from a couple of hundred dollars to AU$1000. But I was wildly wrong,” Andy Thorp from the local Rotary Club told ABC News. The donation from Lae ended up at over AU$60,000. Showing some incredible local leadership and commitment, the donation was organised by Sheila Harou in Lae. After seeing the horrific bushfires that ravaged Australia in January, she started a charity appeal that began with young people pushing wheelbarro­ws around the streets of Lae seeking donations, and eventually included a number of local organisati­ons.

And now the PNG flag proudly flies in the town of Merimbula as a permanent reminder of the incredible generosity of Lae.

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