Animal Scene



Though it looks delicate, the Keeshond is a sturdy dog who can thrive on a diet of good dog food. Owners are advised to feed puppies at regular times during the day to get it used to a feeding schedule. You should also brush your Keeshond regularly; some owners recommend that this be done for an hour once a week, while others brush them lightly for ten to twenty minutes a day. What’s important is to keep the coat from matting, as the removal of mats can be tedious and may hurt the dog. You’ll also be glad to know that grooming is optional, and shaving the coat is not recommende­d. Because they don’t have that “doggy smell” characteri­stic of other breeds, the Keeshond need not be bathed frequently; once a month seems work for many owners. You may as well trim your Keeshond’s nails at the same time. Once a week, inspect your dog’s ears for any bad odors, dirt, or redness, which may be signs of infection. And it’s a good idea to brush your Keeshond’s teeth two to three times a week at the minimum; just don’t use regular human toothpaste!

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