Animal Scene


(Megophrys ligayae) Endangered


According to Wildscreen Arkive, Palawan horned frogs are named because of two elongated horns, one on each upper eyelid. They have light brown to gray markings and have about two ridges running down their backs. The coloring and their other external details make them look like dead leaves. They have wide heads, with pointed snouts, with a fold of skin marking the separation of the head from the body. Their legs are somewhat short, and the feet in front are unwebbed, with the ones at the back having some webbing.

They are active all day and hop rather than jump. Not much is known about their diet in the wild but it probably consists of insects and smaller frogs. The males have a loud, mechanical­sounding call, heard during heavy rain. The females lay eggs in mountain streams and the tadpoles prefer quiet pools. Other than that, not much else is known about the life cycle of these frogs.

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