Animal Scene


These Internet-famous senior canines are sharing their golden years on social media – #nofilterne­eded!



Pirate is a thirteen-year-old “puppy” who lives in Oahu, Hawaii. She spent seven years in the shelter, where she kept getting overlooked due to her age.

She was finally adopted in 2017 by Jennifer Hoyt and her husband. Speaking to The Dodo, Jennifer says, “It has been the most rewarding and fulfilling thing knowing that we changed her life... We don’t care if we’re going to have her for three more years or for three more days. We’re going to make it the best life she’s ever had.”


The Wolfgang is the name of Steve Greig’s Colorado-based pack of senior dog rescues (and other animals). Seven years ago, Steve’s beloved Miniature Pinscher, Wolfgang, passed away. To honor his best friend’s life, Steve went down to his local shelter to pick up the “oldest, least likely to be adopted dog.”

He is currently the devoted dad of eight senior pooches. On one of his Instagram posts, Steve writes, “The best thing about giving senior dogs a home is seeing them happy and confident and loved.”


The Misfits are Julie Docherty’s band of senior Chihuahuas (and a cat). Since adopting her first elderly dog, Sir Momo, in 2011, Julie has cared for eight seniors and advocated for senior rescue.

Sir Momo is now 19 and shares the Instagram spotlight with Colonel Cornelio, 12, and Sergeant Pepper, 18. “With senior pups you never have to nap alone. They sleep. A lot. And have an enormous capacity for love, with an attitude of gratitude,” Julie tells The Dodo.

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