Business World

Cameron and Juncker defend EU reform plan


The battle over Britain’s future in the European Union (EU) intensifie­d Wednesday as Prime Minister David Cameron braced for a barrage of attacks from euroskepti­cs over proposed reforms the European Commission defended as a “fair” deal for all.

Speaking at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, Mr. Juncker said the proposals due to be put to a key summit this month were “fair” for Britain and its 27 partners.

EU president Donald Tusk unveiled proposals to avoid Britain leaving the club on Tuesday, firing the starting gun on two weeks of tense negotiatio­ns to reach a deal at the summit of EU leaders.

The plans include a four-year “emergency brake” on welfare payments for EU migrant workers, protection for countries that do not use the euro, and a “red card” system giving national parliament­s more power.

Mr. Cameron on Tuesday said Mr. Tusk’s plans showed “real progress” and made it likely that he would campaign to stay in the European Union in a referendum expected in June.

But, he will likely face tough questions from British lawmakers in a debate due to start at 1230 GMT.

Many have greeted the plans with scorn, with UK Independen­ce Party head Nigel Farage dismissing them as “pathetic,” while Conservati­ve lawmaker Steve Baker said the prime minister was just “polishing poo.”

Former defense secretary Liam Fox warned that up to five members of Mr. Cameron’s cabinet could campaign to leave the union having seen the proposals.

London’s flamboyant mayor Boris Johnson has been named in the press as a potential rallying point for euroskepti­c ranks.

However, the prime minister received a boost by winning the backing of interior minister Theresa May, a known euroskepti­c.


Britain’s newspapers on Wednesday poured cold water on the plans, with popular tabloid The Sun splashing “Who do EU think you are kidding, Mr. Cameron?” across its front page, saying the deal was a “farce.”

The Daily Mail called it “The Great Delusion,” and the euroskepti­c Daily Express, “A Joke,” on their front pages.

The proposals are also expected to be a hard sell for some EU states, which fear Mr. Cameron is winning too many concession­s ahead of a Feb. 18-19 summit.

Negotiatio­ns are set to begin at the European Parliament on Wednesday, while Mr. Cameron is set to present the plans to parliament after the weekly Prime Minister’s Questions session.

He then begins a charm offensive that will take him to Poland and Denmark on Friday then Germany next week.

London’s bid to transform its EU membership has added to turmoil in the bloc as it struggles with its worst migration crisis since World War II and the fallout from the euro zone debt saga.

The British premier said Mr. Tusk’s proposal showed he had “secured some very important changes.”

“If I could get these terms for British membership I sure would opt in for being a member of the EU,” Mr. Cameron said in a speech in southwest England.

Opinion polls are split on whether Britons would back leaving the EU in their first vote on the subject since 1975.

Although Mr. Cameron has only set a deadline of the end of 2017 to hold a referendum on whether Britain should stay in the EU, sources have said he is keen to push a vote through by June. —

 ?? AFP ?? EUROPEAN COMMISSION President Jean-Claude Juncker speaks during a debate on the UK’s upcoming in-or-out European Union referendum, at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France, on Feb. 3.
AFP EUROPEAN COMMISSION President Jean-Claude Juncker speaks during a debate on the UK’s upcoming in-or-out European Union referendum, at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France, on Feb. 3.

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