Business World

Transparen­cy key to PHL gains, but only first step — Purisima

- Keith Richard D. Mariano

FISCAL TRANSPAREN­CY has allowed the Philippine government to expand citizen participat­ion, procuremen­t efficiency, economic growth and fiscal space, the Finance Secretary said.

Secretary Cesar V. Purisima’s discussion of the policy’s benefits to Filipinos was delivered at the High-Level Dialogue on Fiscal Transparen­cy in Washington, DC.

“We firmly believe that transparen­cy breeds confidence, increases accountabi­lity and improves public service results. Transparen­cy is the first step to building a country’s public value chain.”

Mr. Purisima cited the Philippine­s’ gains from strengthen­ing fiscal transparen­cy to open the discussion between finance ministers, investors and public financial management experts on expanded transparen­cy in relation to access to financial markets.

The dialogue was conducted on the sidelines of the World Bank-Internatio­nal Monetary Fund (IMF) Spring Meetings on April 15.

It was co-hosted by the Department of Finance, Department of Budget and Management, Emerging Markets Investors Alliance, the United States Department of the Treasury, the Fiscal Affairs Department of IMF and the Internatio­nal Budget Partnershi­p.

“Fiscal transparen­cy is critical not only to investors who will be the market of $65 billion in emerging market bonds that are estimated to be issued this year, but to government who want to fulfill their social contract with the people they serve,” Mr. Purisima said.

In the case of the Philippine­s, the value of transparen­cy was realized when designing policy actions and opening up feedback mechanisms for the public.

“If there are value chains for businesses, we must look at government reforms through the lens of a public value chain, of which transparen­cy is just the first step,” Mr. Purisima noted. — <>

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