Business World

Resurgent Marcos defiant on father’s legacy


ON THE VERGE of securing his family’s biggest victory since their humiliatin­g downfall three decades ago, the son and namesake of the dictator Ferdinand E. Marcos talks confidentl­y about his political ambitions and his father’s legacy.

In an exclusive interview with AFP ahead of the May 9 general elections, with surveys showing he could win the vice-presidency, Ferdinand R. Marcos, Jr. conceded there were “widespread human rights abuses” during his father’s rule.

The older Mr. Marcos, who died in 1989, ruled the country for 20 years — 14 years as a dictator — until his ouster in the People Power Revolution of 1986, its legacy 30 years later now practicall­y subject to a referendum in the coming elections.

The younger Mr. Marcos has of late become the front-runner in the vicepresid­ential race, prompting concern among the keepers of the People Power flame in the administra­tion of President Benigno S. C. Aquino III.

A new survey released yesterday shows Mr. Marcos still in the lead. “It is a validation that the Filipino people want to hear platforms and programs rather than mudslingin­g. Our message of unity is being accepted and the survey results will continue to inspire us to work doubly hard in the remaining days of the campaign,” he said of the poll results.

The 58-year-old vice-presidenti­al candidate and incumbent senator insisted the Marcos name remained one of his strongest assets, as he stuck to a no-apology mantra that has been a key part of his family’s remarkable political resurrecti­on.

“I think one of the things that is happening now is I am a beneficiar­y of the good work that was done in my father’s time,” Mr. Marcos said on Monday night at his campaign headquarte­rs in the Philippine capital.

“There were so many different things that were initiated at that time that to this day are of benefit to the people.”

Mr. Marcos was a fresh-faced provincial governor in his father’s dictatorsh­ip when millions took to the streets in the famous 1986 uprising that forced the family to give up two decades of power and flee into US exile.

In contrast to Mr. Marcos’s claim of his father’s “good work,” the Marcos family and its business allies are accused of plundering billions of dollars during the patriarch’s rule, while the regime’s security forces allegedly killed and tortured thousands of critics.

A memorial stands in Quezon City with its walled roster of the tortured and the disappeare­d during the Marcos regime.

After the older Mr. Marcos died in exile in Hawaii in 1989, his controvers­ial wife, Imelda, and their children were allowed to return to the Philippine­s, and they slowly began rebuilding their power base in Mr. Marcos’s home region of Ilocos and Mrs. Marcos’s home region of Eastern Visayas.


Part of their strategy was to portray the Marcos years as a golden age of peace, security, and infrastruc­turebuildi­ng for the nation.

They also consistent­ly denied any major wrongdoing, fending off dozens of legal challenges and probes aimed at retrieving the fortune allegedly stolen from state coffers.

Mr. Marcos, who rarely gives interviews, deflected questions about mass theft by his parents, saying he believed accusation­s against them were exaggerate­d but that he was not privy to their decisions.

“I think a great deal of it was made up because none of it has been verified,” he told AFP when asked whether they stole billions.

“These huge numbers that we hear about, we don’t really know where they come from and how they were made up.”

Mr. Marcos did concede there were abuses under his father’s regime, but insisted they were no worse than those committed by the democratic­ally elected government­s that followed.

“I acknowledg­e that there were,” Mr. Marcos said when asked about human rights abuses under his father’s rule.

“[ But] there are widespread human rights abuses in any administra­tion and that is a problem that we as a country have to face.”

Memories of the Marcos years have been revived this election campaign, amid a voter base dominated by generation­s unfamiliar with the Marcos era.

In the Philippine­s, the president and vice-president are elected separately.


Mr. Marcos’s bid for the vice-presidency has stolen many headlines away from the race for the top post — which in itself is a fascinatin­g fourway tussle.

Mr. Aquino, whose mother led the People Power revolution and succeeded Ferdinand E. Marcos as president, has repeatedly urged Filipinos in recent months to never forget the dictatorsh­ip’s horrors and stamp out the Marcos comeback.

Yet Mr. Marcos — who has enjoyed a high national profile as a senator since 2010 — is in the lead or running a close second in the race for the vice-presidency, according to various surveys.

His mother, now 86, is also regarded as a near certainty to win a third term as a congresswo­man representi­ng the family’s northern provincial stronghold of Ilocos Norte.

And one of his sisters, Imee, will secure a third term as Ilocos Norte governor, with no opponent challengin­g her, while other relatives are expected to easily secure lower level posts.

One important aspect of the family’s success has been its ability to tap into a vast network of allies — not a few of them in the local government­s — that never fully crumbled despite the revolution.

A younger generation of voters fed up with corruption and politics in post-Marcos society has also proved receptive to the Marcos “golden age” mantra.

Asked why he wanted to become vice-president, Mr. Marcos, a former governor of Ilocos Norte, spoke at length about wanting to return to the Executive branch of government because that is where he could do the “most good.”

He insisted he was not gunning for vice-president as part of a grand plan to run for the presidency at the next elections in 2022.

“That’s not something I am thinking of at all right now. Every brain cell that I have is directed towards this campaign,” he said, when asked about a presidenti­al bid in six years, but then neverthele­ss spoke candidly about his loftier ambitions.

“Of course, you have a political career and many times you’d be frustrated and think: ‘God, if I was president I’d fix this in a flash’... and in that sense I guess we all aspire to that.” — main story by AFP

 ??  ?? MR. MARCOS in an interview with AFP
MR. MARCOS in an interview with AFP

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