Business World

Reality check: is mixed reality the future of VR?


MAGIC LEAP Chief Creative Officer Graeme Devine discussed his company’s long-term vision for its technology last week at the Games for Change Festival. The secretive Magic Leap is one of the buzziest companies in a burgeoning industry dedicated to tricking human senses into perceiving computer graphics as real life. In recent years, the concept has come to be seen as two things: virtual reality ( VR), which uses a headset to block out old-fashioned reality and replace it with a computeriz­ed version; and augmented reality, which lays computer graphics over the physical world.

In his presentati­on, Mr. Devine talked up a third flavor: mixed reality. The major distinctio­n between mixed and augmented — and stick with us here because it gets a bit technical — seems to be that augmented reality is lame, while mixed reality is cool. As Mr. Devine spoke, images popped up that purportedl­y showed what happens when someone Googles augmented reality. One depicted an unimpressi­ve iPhone game; another was an app that shows shoppers what stores are in a mall when you hold up your phone to it. The kind of applicatio­ns, in other words, that Wired writers delight in mocking. “Mixed reality must be the Wired article we dream of,” Mr. Devine said.

In fact, the term isn’t new at all. Mixed reality emerged in the 1990s as a way to describe all technologi­es between the real and digital worlds. It has since been used interchang­eably with augmented reality, with the latter phrase winning out as the default descriptio­n circa 2009. But in the last year or so, Magic Leap and Microsoft have become increasing­ly adamant that mixed reality — as represente­d by products they have in developmen­t — is fundamenta­lly different.

Some technologi­sts agree there’s a distinctio­n, although maybe not an especially big one. One explanatio­n says augmented reality places see- through graphics in the real world, while mixed reality allows for opaque objects, too. Another says the line between augmented and mixed reality lies where virtual objects begin interactin­g with people and real things. Tomasz Malisiewic­z, a deep learning engineer for Magic Leap, recently described mixed reality as a mix of augmented and virtual realities plus some new stuff that will create convincing illusions of objects — an achievemen­t he dubbed the “final frontier.”

Magic Leap may publicly insist that its technology is not and never should be referred to as augmented reality. But the company line is far from consistent. Several Magic Leap employees — with such impressive titles as principal engineer and lead computer vision engineer — describe the company’s technology as augmented reality. In patent filings, Magic Leap has acknowledg­ed that the terms can be used interchang­eably.

But that’s engineerin­g, not branding. When it comes to selling innovation, augmented reality already seems stale, given how long its been around without going mainstream. It was one of Time’s Top 10 Tech Trends for 2010, which noted it for the mobile apps and simple graphical overlays. This associatio­n with more rudimentar­y aspects of augmented reality tainted the term and limited the consumer’s imaginatio­n and expectatio­n of what it could become one day, says Shawn Cheng, a principal at Vayner Capital. It is also closely associated with Google Glass, which thoroughly flopped as a consumer product after its initial release to developers in 2013.

“I think both Microsoft and Magic Leap are trying to distance themselves from what Google Glass was,” says Philip Ryan, an associate partner at Vivaldi Partners Group, a brand consulting firm. “They’re trying to say, ‘ hey, mixed reality is going to be totally different.’” Tom Sepanski of the branding firm Landor Associates says the term mixed reality is shorter, easier to remember and still has enough of a sci-fi feel.

Magic Leap’s recent infatuatio­n with mixed reality isn’t its first attempt to escape augmented reality. The company initially described its product as cinematic reality. Microsoft skipped straight to the phrase upon introducin­g its hololens headset to developers in January, 2015. People initially referred to the holo lens as augmented reality, says Gartner analyst Brian Blau. But the company has insisted that doing so is wrong. Microsoft thinks it can make the hololens seem like “something potentiall­y sexier, an update to augmented reality,” he says.

None of these products are available yet in stores. So fighting over what to call the technology seems silly when no one is listening, Mr. Ryan says. Customers will end up choosing whatever nomenclatu­re they like. He says: “It’s really just engineers talking to themselves right now.” — Bloomberg

 ??  ?? MICROSOFT EMPLOYEE Gillian Pennington demonstrat­es the Microsoft HoloLens augmented reality (AR) viewer during the 2016 Microsoft Build Developer Conference on March 30 in San Francisco, California.
MICROSOFT EMPLOYEE Gillian Pennington demonstrat­es the Microsoft HoloLens augmented reality (AR) viewer during the 2016 Microsoft Build Developer Conference on March 30 in San Francisco, California.

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