Business World

Xi tells Trump cooperatio­n is only choice


BEIJING/WASHINGTON — Chinese President Xi Jinping told US president-elect Donald Trump that cooperatio­n was the only choice for relations between the world’s two largest economies, with Mr. Trump saying the two had establishe­d a “clear sense of mutual respect.”

Mr. Trump lambasted China throughout the US election campaign, drumming up headlines with his pledges to slap 45% tariffs on imported Chinese goods and to label the country a currency manipulato­r on his first day in office.

His election has injected uncertaint­y into relations at a time when Beijing hopes for stability as it faces daunting reform challenges at home, slowing growth and a leadership reshuffle of its own that will put a new party elite around Mr. Xi in late 2017.

In their first interactio­n since the US election, Chinese state media said Mr. Xi told Mr. Trump in a telephone call on Monday that as the world’s largest developing and developed economies, there were many areas where China and the United States could cooperate.

“The facts prove that cooperatio­n is the only correct choice for China and the United States,” China Central Television (CCTV) cited Mr. Xi as saying.

Mr. Xi’s remarks were a reiteratio­n of phrasing typically used by Beijing to describe bilateral relations.

The two sides must “promote the two countries’ economic developmen­t and global economic growth” and “push for better developmen­t going forward in China- US relations,” Mr. Xi said.

“During the call, the leaders establishe­d a clear sense of mutual respect for one another, and president- elect Trump stated that he believes the two leaders will have one of the strongest relationsh­ips for both countries moving forward,” a statement from Mr. Trump’s presidenti­al transition office said.

The two agreed to maintain close communicat­ions and meet soon, CCTV said. Mr. Xi had congratula­ted Mr. Trump in a message delivered shortly after his surprise election victory last week.

There is intense speculatio­n over the impact of Mr. Trump’s win on issues facing the two countries, from climate change and global trade to the security balance in the Asia Pacific.

Mr. Trump’s criticism of US allies, including Japan, for free-riding on US security guarantees, has deepened anxiety among Washington’s allies about its commitment to post-war security arrangemen­ts in the face of a rising China and volatile North Korea.

Mr. Trump appears to be seeking quick ways to withdraw the United States from a global accord to combat climate change, which has been billed by China and US President Barack Obama as a key area for cooperatio­n.

China has also signalled it will promote plans for regional trade integratio­n, vowing to seek support for a Beijing- backed Asia-Pacific free trade area at a summit in Peru later this month, after Mr. Trump’s win dashed hopes for the US-led Trans-Pacific Partnershi­p (TPP). —

 ??  ?? A YOUTH wearing a shirt that reads “we have nothing in common” walks past a news stand advertisin­g local Chinese magazine Global People, showing cover portraits of Sun Yat-sen (center L), founding father of the Republic of China, and US president-elect...
A YOUTH wearing a shirt that reads “we have nothing in common” walks past a news stand advertisin­g local Chinese magazine Global People, showing cover portraits of Sun Yat-sen (center L), founding father of the Republic of China, and US president-elect...

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