Business World

Super Villains

Still, take it from Dwyane Wade. Listen to his advice. Don’t buy into the “super villains” narrative. Don’t embrace the hate. That’s not you. Instead, prove that you’re the opposite. Win skeptics over with your outstandin­g play. Because of the essence of


You’re the Warriors, and you just notched your third straight victory and seventh in nine matches so far through the 2016-17 season. You have a couple of days off before your next match at the O, so how do you spend it? Well, because you’re into fun like no other franchise in the National Basketball Associatio­n, you do what comes naturally. You hold a party. Not merely any party, though; you make sure it’s relevant to your current situation, so you angle for the “Super Villains” theme. Needless to say, it’s your way of telling all and sundry you don’t mind being labeled as such for having assembled the most star-studded roster since the Heat did the same earlier in the decade.

Again, it’s just you. No deliberate slight to the competitio­n, or even to critics who deem your successful wooing of Kevin Durant in the offseason akin to gaming the system. Still, you can’t say you weren’t a tad pleased with how the party turned out; everybody had a grand time, with teammates and families bonding and further strengthen­ing the Warriors’ already-enviable esprit de corps. And you got a bonus, too; in the process, you were able to show naysayers you’re too cool — and too together — to be affected by the bullseyes on your backs.

You’re lucky, to be sure. You have the Heat’s experience with a stacked deck serving as your guide. Having seen how they dealt with adversity then, and how others perceived them as a result, you can mimic the ups and try to avoid the downs. Sure, there will be hurdles, but for as long as you’re committed to enjoy the experience, you’re certain you won’t suffer from being Public Enemy Number One. Heck, the party you held instantly invited backlash, never mind if it was just about flying a drone, playing cards, having faces painted — in short, everybody’s definition of “having a good time.” And your reaction? Meh.

Still, take it from Dwyane Wade. Listen to his advice. Don’t buy into the “super villains” narrative. Don’t embrace the hate. That’s not you. Instead, prove that you’re the opposite. Win skeptics over with your outstandin­g play. Because of the essence of sports, not all will be your fans. You’ll get boos, especially on the road. That said, you’ll also get respect if you keep being you. Being creative in packaging parties? That’s okay. Being committed to

your craft? That’s what will make all the difference.

 ?? ANTHONY L. CUAYCONG has been writing Courtside since BusinessWo­rld introduced a Sports section in 1994. He is the Senior Vice-President and General Manager of Basic Energy Corp. ??
ANTHONY L. CUAYCONG has been writing Courtside since BusinessWo­rld introduced a Sports section in 1994. He is the Senior Vice-President and General Manager of Basic Energy Corp.

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