Business World

Trump meets Pope in Vatican, vows not to forget his message


VATICAN CITY — US President Donald J. Trump met Pope Francis, one of his most high profile critics, at the Vatican on Wednesday and after an exchange of gifts he promised he would not forget the pontiff ’s message during their half-hour discussion.

Mr. Trump and the pope have expressed opposing views on issues such as immigratio­n and climate change and the two men exchanged sharp words during the presidenti­al campaign last year.

Under clear blue skies, Mr. Trump received a tribute from the Swiss Guard in a Vatican courtyard where he was greeted by Archbishop Georg Ganswein, the prefect of the pontifical household.

Mr. Trump looked uncomforta­ble as he entered a small elevator taking him to the third floor of the Apostolic Palace, where he was accompanie­d by the archbishop and other officials along a frescoed corridor to the pope’s private study.

Following behind Mr. Trump were his wife Melania, daughter Ivanka, her husband, Jared Kushner, a top White House aide, national security adviser H.R. McMaster and adviser Hope Hicks.

The pope smiled faintly as he greeted Mr. Trump outside the study. Mr. Trump, seeming subdued, said “It is a great honor.”

The two men then posed for photograph­s and the pope kept a stern face while Mr. Trump beamed for the cameras.

At the end of the private encounter the pope, smiling and looking far more relaxed, gave the president a small sculptured olive tree symbolizin­g peace. Mr. Trump thanked him and said, “We can use peace.”

Speaking in Spanish through an interprete­r, the pope also gave Mr. Trump a signed copy of the message he delivered at the last World Peace Day and three of his major writings including his 2015 encyclical on the need to protect the environmen­t.

“Well, I’ll be reading them,” Mr. Trump said.

He gave the pope a boxed set of writings by Martin Luther King.

As Mr. Trump left he told his host, “Thank you, I won’t forget what you said.”

Mr. Trump’s meeting with Pope Francis, his third stop on a nine-day foreign tour due to end on Saturday, was part of his world tour of religions after meeting leaders of Muslim nations in Saudi Arabia and visiting holy sites in Jerusalem.

While his talks in Saudi Arabia and Israel were mostly friendly, the meeting between the head of the Roman Catholic Church and the thrice-married, blunt-spoken Mr. Trump had the potential to be a little more confrontat­ional.


The pope said last year a man who thinks about building walls and not bridges is “not Christian,” a sharp reprimand for Mr. Trump’s vow to build a wall along the US border with Mexico.

Mr. Trump said it was “disgracefu­l” of the Argentine-born pope, who represents just over half of the world’s two billion Christians, to question his faith.

“If and when the Vatican is attacked by ISIS, which as everyone knows is ISIS’ ultimate trophy, I can promise you that the pope would have only wished and prayed that Donald Trump would have been president,” Mr. Trump said during the campaign.

Mr. Trump’s softer stance on environmen­tal regulation­s also is at odds with Francis’ view that climate change is caused mostly by human activity.

The Vatican also took a dim view of Mr. Trump’s anti-Muslim campaign rhetoric, although Mr. Trump softened his tone considerab­ly in a major speech in Riyadh.

Francis said last week he would be “sincere” with Mr. Trump but did not want to judge him before listening to him in person.

Part of Mr. Trump’s motivation for meeting the pope was to dramatize how the three major religions should rally against the threat from Islamist militants.

“We thought that this trip was essential to put together the Muslim faith, the Jewish faith and then the Catholic faith, the Christian faith,” said a senior White House off icial who briefed reporters on Mr. Trump’s Air Force One flight to Rome.

“By putting everybody together you can really build a coalition and show that it’s not a Muslim problem, it’s not a Jewish problem, it’s not a Catholic problem, it’s not a Christian problem, it really is a world problem,” the off icial said.

Mr. Trump at first did not plan to stop in Rome during his visit to Europe, which some in the Vatican saw as a snub. When he changed his mind, the Vatican squeezed him in at 8:30 a.m. on a Wednesday morning, an unusual day and an unusually early time.

Francis holds his weekly audience with the general public on Wednesday at 10 a.m. in St. Peter’s Square. —

 ??  ?? POPE FRANCIS meets US President Donald J. Trump and his wife Melania during a private audience at the Vatican, on May 24.
POPE FRANCIS meets US President Donald J. Trump and his wife Melania during a private audience at the Vatican, on May 24.

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