Business World

Britain’s May seeks deal to cling to power


LONDON — British Prime Minister Theresa May was seeking a deal with a small Northern Irish party on Sunday to stay in power after losing her party’s parliament­ary majority in a catastroph­ic electoral gamble just days before Brexit talks are set to start.

But with May’s personal authority in tatters, there were reports that moves were afoot within her Conservati­ve Party to dislodge her, while opposition Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn was insisting she could be ousted and he could replace her.

May’s Downing Street office had announced on Saturday that the “principles of an outline agreement” with Northern Ireland’s Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) had been agreed, only for the DUP itself to cast doubt on that account hours later.

It was another humiliatio­n for May, and a sign that the socially conservati­ve DUP, with its strong focus on Northern Ireland’s specifi c political complexiti­es, will not necessaril­y be a compliant partner for her minority government.

The DUP statement put Downing Street on the back foot, prompting a carefully worded response in the early hours of Sunday. That said May had “spoken with the DUP to discuss finalizing” a deal in the coming week.

The timing is challengin­g, with Britain due to start negotiatin­g the terms of its exit from the European Union with the bloc’s 27 other members on June 19.

Those talks, expected to be the most complex in post-World War II European history, are supposed to wrap up before the end of March 2019, the date when Britain is off icially scheduled to leave the bloc — a timeline that was already considered ambitious before May’s electoral debacle.


The Conservati­ves won 318 House of Commons seats in Thursday’s election, eight short of an outright majority. Labour, the main opposition party, won 262. The DUP won 10.

Labour’s Corbyn told the Sunday Mirror newspaper he saw a route to power himself, although it was not clear how he would command the support of a majority of members of parliament.

Labour’s tally, even when added to those of potential allies such as the Scottish National Party and other smaller parties, was still short of a majority.

“I can still be prime minister. This is still on. Absolutely,” Corbyn was quoted as saying.

He said his party would seek to vote down May’s Queen’s Speech, or program for government, when she presented it to parliament. If that succeeded, May would be expected to stand aside and let Corbyn try to win the backing of a majority of members of parliament to form a government.

The Conservati­ves now plan to reach a so- called confidence and supply agreement with the DUP, which would involve it supporting a Conservati­ve minority government on key votes in parliament but not forming a formal coalition.

While the to-and-fro between Downing Street and the DUP was unfolding, several British newspapers were reporting that some prominent Conservati­ves, including Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson and Brexit minister David Davis, were being urged by supporters to challenge May for the party leadership.

Johnson dismissed the reports as “tripe,” tweeting late on Saturday that he was backing May.

 ?? REUTERS ?? BRITAIN’S PRIME MINISTER Theresa May makes a statement in Downing Street after traveling to Buckingham Palace to ask the Queen’s permission to form a minority government in London on June 9.
REUTERS BRITAIN’S PRIME MINISTER Theresa May makes a statement in Downing Street after traveling to Buckingham Palace to ask the Queen’s permission to form a minority government in London on June 9.

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