Business World

A cure worse than the disease


It has been close to three weeks since a botched police operation against Abu Sayaff leader Isnilon Hapilon evolved into a shooting war with his supporters in Marawi City, the Maute Group, and the subsequent declaratio­n of martial law in the entire Mindanao. The historical Islamic City of Marawi is being reduced to rubble by aerial bombardmen­ts and is a virtual no man’s land.

Majority of its 200,000 inhabitant­s have evacuated for fear of being caught in the crossfire leaving behind all their worldly possession­s. Some two thousand individual­s are feared still trapped in their homes unable to get out, starving, and gripped in terror. The military says there are still several hundreds of the Maute Group fiercely fighting government forces.

The government claims to be in control of 90% of the city but are unable to decisively take down the remaining holdouts of the Maute Group. US Special Action Forces ( US SF) have been sent into the fray upon the request of the Duterte government, their involvemen­t allegedly limited to giving “technical support” to combat operations.

Are these not the same US forces “invited temporaril­y” by the Arroyo government in 2002 to help the AFP crush the alleged al Qaedaaffil­iated Abu Sayaff Group then reputed to be only 100-strong? Fifteen years hence the ASG are still thriving and nobody remembers US President Bush declaring the Philippine­s as the second front in the “war on terror.” The Special Forces never left the Philippine­s but rather got enmeshed in the botched Mamasapano operation where they trained and provided “technical assistance” to the massacred PNP SAF. With that record behind them, it appears that the US SF as well as the Maute Group are here to stay.

Considerin­g President Rodrigo Duterte’s public excoriatio­n of the US in the past over its brutal suppressio­n of the Moro people when it colonized the Philippine­s and its bloody record of armed interventi­on in the Middle East, this developmen­t indicates the level of desperatio­n of his government in dealing with the situation. Or perhaps it reflects the long-time dependence of the Philippine military on “assistance” by the US Armed Forces for its counterins­urgency/counterter­rorism operations.

Since returning from Russia, Duterte has been making the rounds mainly of military camps trying to boost the morale of soldiers by assuring them that he has their back (in case they are accused of criminal abuse such as rape and other human rights violations) and of generous financial aid should they get killed or wounded in action.

Human rights group Karapatan has reported on the worsening human rights situation in Mindanao as a result of Duterte’s martial law declaratio­n and the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus. The military and police have been given the green light to carry out counterins­urgency operations with renewed gusto under the cover of martial law and sans legal niceties such as the bill of rights getting in their way.

In rural areas, extrajudic­ial killings, illegal arrests and de-

tention, aerial bombardmen­t, displaceme­nt of communitie­s, military and paramilita­ry encampment in schools and other civilian centers — all of which had been taking place even before martial law due to the Duterte government’s declaratio­n of allout war against the communistl­ed New People’s Army — have escalated and hapless lumad and peasant folk are bracing for the worst.

In urban centers of Mindanao, added to the unrelentin­g extrajudic­ial killings in the government’s “war on drugs” mainly targeting the urban poor, are the arbitrary check points, arrests of ordinary folk who cannot produce identifica­tion cards, the police profiling of Muslims, violent dispersals of workers’ strikes and the banning of protest actions. Duterte has warned — or is it threatened — to expand the coverage of martial law to the rest of the country should the problem of “terrorism” spill over from Mindanao.

What is truly worrisome is that the military’s version about what is happening in Marawi City in terms of the “terrorist” threat has grown by leaps and bounds. It is worrisome because the ISIS connection seems to be gaining credence, at least in the public mind if not in actuality, ergo providing the necessary conditioni­ng for the extension of the duration of martial law or even its expansion outside Mindanao.

From earlier official statements minimizing the capabiliti­es and denying the links of the Maute Group/Abu Sayyaf to the dreaded ISIS, the military is now say that there are “foreign fighters” among them and that they are well- funded from foreign sources.

A video has been released by the military purportedl­y showing Hapilon, the Maute brothers and several others plotting the take over of Marawi City that they would then supposedly declare as part of the ISIS caliphatei­n- the- making. Assuming this video is bona fide, it bolsters the government’s claim that the ensuing firefight in Marawi,

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