Business World

Netanyahu faces pressure over holy site after 8 die


JERUSALEM — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu faced mounting pressure Sunday over new security measures at a sensitive Jerusalem holy site after a weekend of violence left eight people dead, with fears more unrest could follow.

Israeli officials signaled they may be open to changing the measures at the Haram al- Sharif mosque compound, known to Jews as the Temple Mount, after the installati­on of metal detectors at entrances following an attack that killed two policemen stoked Palestinia­n anger.

Netanyahu was holding a cabinet meeting on Sunday morning and was due to meet with his security cabinet later in the day.

The metal detectors remained in place on Sunday morning, though cameras had also been mounted near at least one entrance to the compound in Jerusalem’s Old City — a possible indication of an alternativ­e to the metal detectors.

Israeli Major General Yoav Mordechai — head of COGAT, the defense ministry agency responsibl­e for civilian affairs in the Palestinia­n territorie­s — signaled changes to the policy were possible.

“We are examining other options and alternativ­es that will ensure security,” Mordechai said in an interview with Al-Jazeera.

Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan said he would continue to support the metal detectors remaining in place unless police provide a satisfacto­ry alternativ­e.

The crisis has resonated internatio­nally.

The UN Security Council will hold closed- door talks Monday about the spiraling violence after Egypt, France and Sweden sought a meeting to “urgently discuss how calls for de-escalation in Jerusalem can be supported.”


Tensions have risen throughout the past week over the metal detectors at the compound, which includes the revered Al-Aqsa mosque and the Dome of the Rock, following the July 14 attack that killed two policemen.

Palestinia­ns reject the metal detectors because they view the move as Israel asserting further control over the site. They have refused to enter the compound in protest and have prayed in the streets outside.

Israeli authoritie­s say the July 14 attackers smuggled guns into the holy site and emerged from it to shoot the policemen.

Friday’s main weekly Muslim prayers — which typically draw thousands to Al-Aqsa — brought the situation to a boil.

In anticipati­on of protests, Israel barred men under 50 from entering the Old City for prayers.

Clashes broke out between Israeli security forces and Palestinia­ns around the Old City, in other parts of annexed east Jerusalem and in the occupied West Bank, leaving three Palestinia­ns dead.

On Friday evening, a Palestinia­n broke into a home in a Jewish settlement in the West Bank during a Sabbath dinner and stabbed four Israelis, killing three of them.

The Israeli army said the 19-year-old Palestinia­n had spoken in a Facebook post of the Jerusalem holy site and of dying as a martyr.

There were further clashes on Saturday, when Palestinia­n youths hurled stones and petrol bombs as the army used a bulldozer to close off the attacker’s West Bank village and prepare his house for probable demolition.

Israel frequently razes or seals attackers’ homes as a deterrent, although rights groups say this amounts to collective punishment.

Clashes also flared in east Jerusalem and other Palestinia­n villages in the West Bank near Jerusalem on Saturday, police said.

Two Palestinia­ns died during the clashes, including one when a petrol bomb exploded prematurel­y.


Israeli security forces said Sunday they had arrested 25 men active in the militant Hamas group that rules the Gaza Strip.

The arrests throughout the West Bank included “senior members,” a statement from the Shin Bet internal security agency said, and was part of preventive measures in the wake of “the tensions around the Temple Mount.”

Also Sunday, a rocket fired at Israel from Gaza exploded mid-air, the Israeli army said, causing no injuries. No Palestinia­n group claimed responsibi­lity for the rocket.

The holy site in Jerusalem has served as a rallying cry for Palestinia­ns.

In 2000, then Israeli opposition leader Ariel Sharon’s visit to the compound helped ignite the second Palestinia­n intifada, or uprising, which lasted more than four years.

The Haram al- Sharif/Temple Mount is central to the IsraeliPal­estinian conflict.

It is in east Jerusalem, seized by Israel in the 1967 Six-Day War and later annexed in a move never recognized by the internatio­nal community.

It is considered the third holiest site in Islam and the most sacred for Jews. — AFP

 ??  ?? PALESTINIA­N MUSLIM worshipper­s pray outside Lions’ Gate, a main entrance to the Al-Aqsa mosque compound in Jerusalem’s Old City, on July 22, in protest against new Israeli security measures implemente­d at the holy site.
PALESTINIA­N MUSLIM worshipper­s pray outside Lions’ Gate, a main entrance to the Al-Aqsa mosque compound in Jerusalem’s Old City, on July 22, in protest against new Israeli security measures implemente­d at the holy site.

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