Business World

Trump: Military option for North Korea not preferred, but would be ‘devastatin­g’


WASHINGTON — US President Donald Trump warned North Korea on Tuesday that any US military option would be “devastatin­g” for Pyongyang, but said the use of force was not Washington’s first option to deal with the country’s ballistic and nuclear weapons program.

“We are totally prepared for the second option, not a preferred option,” Mr. Trump said at a White House news conference, referring to military force.

“But if we take that option, it will be devastatin­g, I can tell you that, devastatin­g for North Korea. That’s called the military option. If we have to take it, we will.”

Bellicose statements by Mr. Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in recent weeks have created fears that a miscalcula­tion could lead to action with untold ramificati­ons, particular­ly since Pyongyang conducted its sixth and most powerful nuclear test on Sept. 3.

Despite the increased tension, the United States has not detected any change in North Korea’s military posture reflecting an increased threat, the top US military off icer said on Tuesday.

The assessment by Marine Corps General Joseph Dunford, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, about Pyongyang’s military stance was in contrast to a South Korean lawmaker who said Pyongyang had boosted defenses on its east coast.

“While the political space is clearly very charged right now, we haven’t seen a change in the posture of North Korean forces, and we watch that very closely,” Mr. Dunford told a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on his reappointm­ent to his post.

In terms of a sense of urgency, “North Korea certainly poses the greatest threat today,” Mr. Dunford testified.

A US official speaking on the condition of anonymity said satellite imagery had detected a small number of North Korean military aircraft moving to the North’s east coast. However the official said the activity did not change their assessment of Pyongyang’s military posture.

North Korean Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho on Monday accused Trump of declaring war on the North and threatened that Pyongyang would shoot down US warplanes flying near the Korean Peninsula after American bombers flew close to it last Saturday. Mr. Ri was reacting to Mr. Trump’s Twitter comments that Messrs. Kim and Ri “won’t be around much longer” if they acted on their threats toward the United States.

North Korea has been working to develop nuclear- tipped missiles capable of hitting the US mainland, which Mr. Trump has said he will never allow. Mr. Dunford said Pyongyang will have a nuclear-capable interconti­nental ballistic missile “soon,” and it was only a matter of a “very short time.”

“We clearly have postured our forces to respond in the event of a provocatio­n or a conflict,” the general said, adding that the United States has taken “all proper measures to protect our allies” including South Korea and Japan.

“It would be an incredibly provocativ­e thing for them to conduct a nuclear test in the Pacific as they have suggested, and I think the North Korean people would have to realize how serious that would be, not only for the United States but for the internatio­nal community,” Mr. Dunford said.


South Korean lawmaker Lee Cheol-uoo, briefed by the country’s spy agency, said North Korea was bolstering its defenses by moving aircraft to its east coast and taking other measures after the flight by US bombers. Mr. Lee said the United States appeared to have disclosed the flight route intentiona­lly because North Korea seemed to be unaware.

US Air Force B- 1B Lancer bombers, escorted by fighter jets, flew east of North Korea in a show of force after the heated exchange of rhetoric between Messrs. Trump and Kim.

The United States has imposed sanctions on 26 people as part of its non-proliferat­ion designatio­ns for North Korea and nine banks, including some with ties to China, the US Treasury Department’s Off ice Of Foreign Assets Control Sanctions said on Tuesday.

The US sanctions target people in North Korea and some North Korean nationals in China, Russia, Libya and Dubai, according to a list posted on the agency’s website.

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will visit China from Thursday to Saturday for talks with senior off icials that will include the crisis over North Korea and trade, the State Department said on Tuesday.

Evans Revere, a former senior diplomat who met with a North Korean delegation in Switzerlan­d this month, said that Pyongyang had been reaching out to “organizati­ons and individual­s” to encourage talks with former US off icials to get a sense of the Trump administra­tion’s thinking.

“They’ve also been accepting invitation­s to attend dialogues hosted by others, including the Swiss and the Russians,” he said.

Mr. Revere said his best guess for why the North Koreans were doing this was because they were “puzzled by the unconventi­onal way that Mr. Trump has been handling the North Korea issue” and were eager to use “informal and unofficial meetings to gain a better understand­ing of what is motivating Trump and his administra­tion.”

Speaking in Beijing, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang said war on the Korean Peninsula would have no winner.

“We hope the US and North Korean politician­s have sufficient political judgment to realize that resorting to military force will never be a viable way to resolve the peninsula issue and their own concerns,” Mr. Lu said.

South Korean President Moon Jae-in urged Kim Jong Un to resume military talks and reunions of families split by the 1950- 53 Korean War to ease tension.

“Like I’ve said multiple times before: if North Korea stops its reckless choices, the table for talks and negotiatio­ns always remains open,” Mr. Moon said.

Russia’s Foreign Ministry said it was working behind the scenes to find a political solution and that it plans to hold talks with a representa­tive of North Korea’s foreign ministry who is due to arrive in Moscow on Tuesday, the RIA news agency cited the North’s embassy to Russia as saying.

The United States and South Korea are technicall­y still at war with North Korea after the 195053 conflict ended in a truce and not a peace treaty. —

 ??  ?? A SEPT. 18 photo provided by the South Korean Defense Ministry in Seoul shows a US Air Force B-1B Lancer bomber (R), US F-35B stealth jet fighters (bottom) and South Korean F-15K fighter jets (top) flying over South Korea during a joint military drill...
A SEPT. 18 photo provided by the South Korean Defense Ministry in Seoul shows a US Air Force B-1B Lancer bomber (R), US F-35B stealth jet fighters (bottom) and South Korean F-15K fighter jets (top) flying over South Korea during a joint military drill...

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