Business World

Duterte’s creeping authoritar­ianism consisted first and foremost in ensuring the military’s canine loyalty by plying them with funds.

- CAROL PAGADUAN-ARAULLO CAROL PAGADUAN-ARAULLO is a medical doctor by training, social activist by choice, columnist by accident, happy partner to a liberated spouse and proud mother of two.

closure those outlets he considers anti-Duterte. His supermajor­ity in the House of Representa­tives attempted to emasculate the Commission on Human Rights (chaired by a known ally of former president Benigno S. C. Aquino III and vocal critic of the “war on drugs”) by giving it a measly budget of P1000. This craven move was only defeated by a strong public outcry.

Two Supreme Court justices have been the objects of Duterte’s ire. One is Justice Carpio for his sharp criticism of Duterte’s policy of appeasing China by reneging on the assertion of Philippine sovereignt­y over disputed areas in the West Philippine Sea. Another is Chief Justice Sereno over her being perceived as another “yellow” loyalist what with her speeches critical of the Duterte regime’s lack of adherence to the rule of law. The latter is the subject of an impeachmen­t move and Duterte is slyly utilizing contradict­ions within the Court to further pressure Sereno.

Most recently, Duterte renewed his verbal attacks against the Office of the Ombudsman, not only because Ombudsman Morales is another “yellow” appointee but her office has acted on the complaint of Senator Trillanes regarding the alleged ill-gotten wealth amassed by Duterte and his two children, Davao Mayor Sara Duterte and Vice-Mayor Paolo Duterte.

Duterte has gone ballistic, threatenin­g to set up a so-called “independen­t commission” that will investigat­e alleged corruption in the Ombudsman’s Office.

It now appears that Duterte is not just “onion-skinned” as some critics say, but highly vulnerable to charges of graft and corruption himself. He was able to skirt this issue during the presidenti­al campaign. Now his carefully crafted image as a longtime mayor who was incorrupti­ble and maintained his modest means may be blown apart if he is unable to stop the Ombudsman’s investigat­ions. Even though Duterte may not be charged while in office, the political damage caused by these investigat­ions could impact on the stability of his regime.

Such an outcome could be anybody’s guess but it will take more than Duterte’s bluster this time around to save his fast ebbing credibilit­y.

*Thanks to Sonny Africa who first used the term in his blog post.

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