Business World

China unveils new leadership line-up with no heir in sight


BEIJING — China’s ruling Communist Party broke with recent precedent on Wednesday, unveiling a new leadership line-up without a clear successor to President Xi Jinping, who has become arguably the most powerful Chinese leader since Mao Zedong.

Mr. Xi led his team in order of rank on to a stage at Beijing’s Great Hall of the People, overlookin­g Tiananmen Square, culminatin­g a week- long party conclave at which he laid out his vision for an increasing­ly prosperous China confident of its place on the world stage.

Apart from Mr. Xi, Premier Li Keqiang was the only one to retain his spot amid sweeping changes on the Politburo Standing Committee. There has been persistent speculatio­n Mr. Xi could seek to stay on in some capacity beyond the end of his customary second five years in power, which began on Wednesday.

All seven Standing Committee members are men in their 60s and, for the first time, none was born before China’s 1949 Communist revolution.

The make-up of the committee, which has ultimate control over the world’s second-largest economy, appeared to be a compromise to include a blend of Xi allies and those considered loyal to party elders, including Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao, former presidents whose networks still wield influence.

Cheng Li, an expert on Chinese politics at the Brookings Institutio­n, said Mr. Xi appeared to have traded securing favorable amendments to the constituti­on in exchange for a compromise on the make-up of the Standing Committee, a line-up he likened to a “team of rivals.”

The member considered closest to Mr. Xi is Li Zhanshu, who has often accompanie­d Mr. Xi on overseas trips in a chief-of-staff-style role as the head of the party’s General Off ice.

Mr. Li, who is not related to the premier, was named the thirdranke­d member, meaning he will most likely assume the role of head of the largely rubber-stamp parliament. That will not be confirmed until parliament meets in March.

Mr. Xi had already strengthen­ed his hand considerab­ly ahead of the announceme­nt, with his political theory and “Belt and Road” infrastruc­ture-led developmen­t strategy put into the party constituti­on. He was named the party’s “core” last year.

Guangdong party secretary Hu Chunhua and Chongqing party boss Chen Miner had been previously seen as prominent contenders to succeed Mr. Xi among the party’s so-called sixth generation of leaders but were not included in the Standing Committee.

Instead, both were named to the wider 25-member Politburo, a rung below the Standing Committee.

“He’s consolidat­ed his power without making unnecessar­y problems for himself,” said David Zweig, a professor at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

“The costs of keeping Wang Qishan or getting Chen Miner were too high. He didn’t need to do it.”

Mr. Wang, who led Mr. Xi’s sweeping anti- graft campaign and was considered China’s second most-powerful politician, is above retirement age; Mr. Chen was comparativ­ely junior.

While the Standing Committee bears the hallmarks of compromise, the new Politburo is stacked with more than a dozen Xi allies, including Mr. Chen, Beijing party boss Cai Qi, economic adviser Liu He and Ding Xuexiang, who is expected to become Mr. Xi’s chief of staff as director of the party’s General Off ice.

“Xi has managed to put a lot of his own people there, as much as possible,” said Bo Zhiyue, a New Zealand-based expert on Chinese politics.

“Most of Xi’s close associates are too junior to be put into the Politburo Standing Committee right away.”

Blanket state media coverage made no mention of factional politics or alliances, while an editorial on the official People’s Daily’s WeChat account hailed the new seven-man line-up as a “dream team” to lead China into its “new era.”

Mr. Xi, who has sought to revitalize the Communist Party’s role across Chinese society, made no mention of who his successor might be as he introduced his new Standing Committee at a media event broadcast live around the country. His remarks were translated consecutiv­ely into English.

Mr. Xi did not take questions, but said the party had weathered trials and tribulatio­ns.

Messrs. Xi and Li were first promoted to the Standing Committee at the 17th Party Congress in 2007, in a clear signal that the pair would succeed Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao and occupy the top two off ices — which they did five years later. —

 ?? REUTERS ?? CHINA’S PRESIDENT Xi Jinping claps after his speech as he and other new Politburo Standing Committee members meet with the press at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China Oct. 25.
REUTERS CHINA’S PRESIDENT Xi Jinping claps after his speech as he and other new Politburo Standing Committee members meet with the press at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China Oct. 25.

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