Business World

NATO chief calls North Korea a ‘global threat’


North Atlantic Treaty Organizati­on (NATO) chief Jens Stoltenber­g called North Korea a “global threat” Monday and said he backed tighter sanctions against it during a visit to Japan, which has been targeted by Pyongyang’s provocatio­ns. This as senior defense officials from the United States, South Korea, and Japan held trilateral talks and urged North Korea to walk away from its “destructiv­e and reckless path” of weapons developmen­t, the US military said in a statement.

TOKYO — NATO chief Jens Stoltenber­g called North Korea a “global threat” Monday and said he backed tighter sanctions against it during a visit to Japan, which has been targeted by Pyongyang’s provocatio­ns.

Senior defense officials from the United States, South Korea, and Japan held trilateral talks and urged North Korea to walk away from its “destructiv­e and reckless path” of weapons developmen­t, the US military said in a statement.

The Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff General Joseph Dunford hosted his South Korean and Japanese counterpar­ts at the US Pacific Command headquarte­rs in Hawaii on Sunday to exchange views on North Korea’s recent long-range ballistic missile and nuclear tests.

“Together they called upon North Korea to refrain from irresponsi­ble provocatio­ns that aggravate regional tensions, and to walk away from its destructiv­e and reckless path of developmen­t,” the statement said.

Stoltenber­g is in Tokyo to meet Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and other senior officials including defense minister Itsunori Onodera later in the day.

“We are as concerned as you are about the provocativ­e, reckless behavior from North Korea,” he said in a speech to a group of security experts and defense officials.

“It is really dangerous, it poses a direct threat to countries in this region (including) Japan, but it is also a global threat,” he added.

Pyongyang has sparked global alarm in recent months by conducting its sixth nuclear test and test-launching missiles capable of reaching the US mainland, while US President Donald Trump and the North’s young ruler Kim Jong- Un have traded threats of war and personal insults.

It fired two projectile­s over northern Japan in less than a month, ringing alarm bells in Tokyo as Abe called for a get-tough approach towards Pyongyang.

“NATO strongly support political, diplomatic, economic pressure on North Korea and we welcome the strengthen­ing of the sanctions” adopted by the UN Security Council in September, Stoltenber­g said.

“But even more important, we need to be sure that the sanctions are fully and transparen­tly implemente­d,” he added.

Stoltenber­g’s visit comes after Abe met with him in Brussels in July to agree on boosting security cooperatio­n.

“We know and you know that ( North Korea’s missile) ranges reach the west coast of the United State and the ranges reach most of Europe,” he said Monday.

But the NATO chief warned this month that military action against Pyongyang would have “devastatin­g consequenc­es,” after Trump said diplomatic efforts had failed.

Stoltenber­g has stressed that Washington had the right to defend itself and its allies but called for greater diplomatic efforts.

“We don’t have to use military force — peaceful resolution is the aim,” he said Monday.

Maritime security, including territoria­l rows involving China in the East and South China Seas, was also likely to be a topic of discussion during Stoltenber­g’s visit, according to a Japanese foreign ministry official.

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