Business World

Curry lifts Warriors over Clippers


The Clippers were toast even before they trekked to the court. Having just lost to the Thunder at the Staples Center, they sought to do better in yesterday’s homestand and, in the process, reclaim the momentum they rode on in stringing together four victories through the New Year. Unfortunat­ely, they were up against the Warriors, dangerous at any time and much deadlier in light of the sharp showing of offensive spark Stephen Curry. And so pundits penciled yet another loss for them.

True enough, the outcome mimicked convention­al wisdom’s prognosis. Curry toyed with the Clippers’ guard- devoid roster, unleashing a torrent of points early on and allowing the Warriors to coast the rest of the way. And to add injury to insult, both literally and figurative­ly, All- Star Blake Griffin exited for good in the first quarter due to a concussion; the developmen­t left Doc Rivers with only DeAndre Jordan to parade as a member of the original starting unit. Even if Griffin were able to suit up until the final buzzer, though, odds are that the Clippers would still have walked off with a loss. These days, the Warriors are virtually unstoppabl­e; even at nowhere close to their best, they require the opposition to product nothing but he finest brand of hoops to get a sniff of success. As it was, they were humming, with Curry summoning the form that enabled him to take two straight Most Valuable Player awards. Teammate Kevin Durant gets more ink, but advanced stats underscore his otherworld­ly capacity to take over a match, just as he did yesterday.

The Clippers will keep battling, of course; if nothing else, grit is what characteri­zes Rivers-led teams. And through their persistenc­e, they may yet book a seat to the playoffs. Should they do so, however, they would do well to prepare for more of what they got yesterday. They’ll be fodder for the Warriors, who keep chugging along and proving that all others are simply playing for second.

The Clippers will keep battling, of course; if nothing else, grit is what characteri­zes Rivers-led teams. And through their persistenc­e, they may yet book a seat to the playoffs. Should they do so, however, they would do well to prepare for more of what they got yesterday. They’ll be fodder for the Warriors, who keep chugging along and proving that all others are simply playing for second.

 ?? ANTHONY L. CUAYCONG has been writing Courtside since BusinessWo­rld introduced a Sports section in 1994. He is the Senior Vice-President and General Manager of Basic Energy Corp. ??
ANTHONY L. CUAYCONG has been writing Courtside since BusinessWo­rld introduced a Sports section in 1994. He is the Senior Vice-President and General Manager of Basic Energy Corp.

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