Business World

Trump’s ‘madman’ rhetoric may have scared North Korea to talks — analysts


SEOUL — US President Donald J. Trump’s notoriousl­y threatenin­g rhetoric towards nuclear-armed North Korea — which has drawn comparison­s with Richard Nixon’s “madman theory” of diplomacy — may deserve some credit for bringing Pyongyang to talks, analysts have said.

The two Koreas held their first official dialogue in more than two years this week, agreeing the North would send its athletes to next month’s Winter Olympics in the South and paving the way for further discussion­s.

The meeting represente­d a significan­t improvemen­t after months of confrontat­ion, during which Pyongyang carried out multiple missile tests and by far its biggest nuclear detonation to date.

At the same time Mr. Trump was blamed for heightenin­g tensions with his threats to rain “fire and fury” on the North — now the title of an incendiary book on his presidency — and assertions that its leader Kim Jong-Un was on a “suicide mission.”

Since Mr. Kim inherited power in 2011, North Korea has made rapid progress towards its goal of developing a missile that can deliver an atomic warhead to the United States, which significan­tly strengthen­s its negotiatin­g position.

In his New Year speech Mr. Kim said Pyongyang had accomplish­ed “the great, historic cause of perfecting the national nuclear forces.”

But some analysts now say that despite the hermit state’s achievemen­ts and the defiance of its propaganda, Mr. Trump’s chestthump­ing threats provoked real fears within the North’s elites, pushing them to seek ways to dial down tension.

Alexander Vorontsov, head of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, was in Pyongyang for meetings towards the end of last year.

While there, he spoke to officials who “feared that the US was already trying to shape the battlefiel­d for a military operation against the North,” he wrote Wednesday on the website 38North.

They seemed “truly baffled” that the South was unaware Mr. Trump was inching closer to war, Mr. Vorontsov said, while “Pyongyang, they maintained, is under no such illusions.”

Trump administra­tion officials have repeatedly said that military action is an option on the table. Washington has held several joint exercises with allies South Korea and Japan this year, and deployed three aircraft carriers to the area at the same time.

There was “growing concern” in Pyongyang, Mr. Vorontsov said, that “different elements of a combined arms operation against North Korea are being methodical­ly rehearsed and that ‘zero hour,’ as they put it, is not too far away.”


The unpredicta­ble US president is believed by some to be employing the playbook of his predecesso­r Richard Nixon, whose “madman theory” aimed to scare opponents into concession­s by cultivatin­g an image of recklessne­ss.

It was Mr. Nixon himself who coined the term, according to his chief of staff H.R. Haldeman, whose autobiogra­phy quotes the disgraced president describing his intended message as: “We can’t restrain him when he is angry — and he has his hand on the nuclear button.”

At times, Mr. Trump has appeared to echo the approach wholeheart­edly.

As his top diplomat sought an opening with Pyongyang in October, the president tweeted: “I told Rex Tillerson, our wonderful Secretary of State, that he is wasting his time trying to negotiate with Little Rocket Man” — his nickname for Kim.

“Save your energy Rex, we’ll do what needs to be done!” he added.

At the UN General Assembly he raised the prospect the US would “totally destroy” North Korea, prompting Mr. Kim to respond with a personal pledge to “surely and definitely tame the mentally deranged US dotard with fire.”

“Never before have two leaders in command of nuclear arsenals more closely evoked a profession­al wrestling match,” wrote a New Yorker columnist at the time.

Go Myong-Hyun, an analyst at the Asan Institute of Policy Studies, said US actions had “instilled considerab­le fear in Pyongyang unlike in South Korea.”

“So they came to talks to secure strategic space,” he said.

North Korea’s refusal to expand the agenda of Tuesday’s talks was intended to draw out the process “to avoid possible US military action,” Mr. Go added.

Despite a handful of agreements reached Tuesday, the North Korean delegation did not respond to Seoul’s proposal for talks on family reunions, and said its nuclear and missile programs — which it says it needs to defend itself — were not up for discussion with the South.

South Korean President Moon Jae-In on Wednesday thanked Mr. Trump for his efforts, saying he had played a “very big” role in realizing the talks.

But former US secretary of state John Kerry has described Mr. Trump’s tweets as creating “chaos politics” and many analysts say that in the long term, the US leader’s approach will be counterpro­ductive.

The president had been “talking to the world’s most dangerous state like a petulant man-child,” Robert Kelly of Pusan National University wrote at the weekend.

“Honestly, Trump just made everything worse, and his rhetoric almost certainly convinced the Kimist elite that going for nukes was wise.”

The 45th president of the United States, though, has no doubts where credit lies for getting the two Koreas together.

“We were the ones,” he told a cabinet meeting Wednesday. “Without our attitude, that would have never happened.” —

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