Business World

# bworldfeed


rj_BW @rj_72521 BoC Commission­er Isidro Lapeña: “I want the correct valuation… ang magbebenip­isyo n’yan ang mamamayang Pilipino. Teachers’ salary increase can be covered by the BoC revenue if there is correct valuation of goods (at the port).” @bworldph Lucia de Guzman @LuciadgSUp PENA:What made me who I am today are not the successes in my life but the failures in my life. It told me what I have to change in my life. Mel Sta.Maria @attymeltwe­et Let us not forget that, unless the state is imminently imperiled, government intrusion on press freedom, in whatever form, is a transgress­ion of the sovereign will. That is the spirit which the Constituti­on seeks to convey and safeguard. chang @tiyangchan­g I don’t know anything about urban planning/ transporta­tion but I do know that our services and infrastruc­ture are terribly inefficien­t, uncomforta­ble, and dangerous. You can’t really blame people for looking for the best possible way to just get to their destinatio­n in one piece.

Leo VenezuelaT­M @levenezu

#AutoSweepR­FID class 1 tags remain free but are OUT OF STOCK. The earliest they’re available is middle of February. What kind of stupidity is that to run out of tags?! Who does the demand projection­s in that company? Don’t they have enough working capital for inventory? China News @Echinanews #Beijing to build and improve 3,200 km of roads accessible to bicycles by 2020 to satisfy residents’ demand and encourage environmen­tally-friendly travel Sweatpants Cher @House_Feminist I secretly hope that twitter keeps extending the character limit as a social experiment, slowly conditioni­ng our attention spans until we’re able to read actual books again Aral Balkan @aral Today is apparently #DataPrivac­yDay, so here goes: There is no such thing as “data privacy”, there is privacy. Data doesn’t have rights, people have a human right to privacy. Your data belongs to you & is a part of you. Data about people is people. See https://cyborgrigh­

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