Business World

BPM: Innovating and transformi­ng business

- Efficiency ERWIN D. DE ARROZ Agility Effectiven­ess

Organizati­ons continuall­y aim to increase profits by reducing costs and increasing efficiency. This has been the mantra since the first wave of process improvemen­t initiative­s in the 1970s and 1980s where Total Quality Management, process improvemen­t methods and statistica­l process control where the leading enablers. However, traditiona­l businesses underwent dramatic changes in the late 1980s due to globalizat­ion and the removal of trading barriers. Many organizati­ons reassessed their take on performanc­e improvemen­t and began adopting a process-centric approach called Business Process Management (BPM) to improve their performanc­e and reduce cost.

BPM has evolved significan­tly since the 1990s ( when process reengineer­ing and Six Sigma were all abuzz) and has now reached the stage for the third wave in BPM methods. Organizati­ons today use various long-term strategies such as automation, resource optimizati­on, process standardiz­ation and process re- engineerin­g to achieve cost reduction and operatingm­odel effectiven­ess. All these strategies have processes at their core. Unfortunat­ely, few organizati­ons truly recognize how easily they can reach operationa­l efficienci­es through BPM. Every organizati­on has its own business processes that, if left unmanaged, can potentiall­y become complicate­d. As activities or tasks go from person to person, it can be difficult to keep a high-level perspectiv­e on what is actually going on.

On the other hand, technologi­cal advancemen­ts such as the rise of social media and mobility, demand that businesses transform in order to remain relevant. Hence, companies are under constant pressure to innovate in products and reengineer processes to stay ahead of the competitio­n and earn profits. They must ensure that all operationa­l processes are as effective and efficient as possible with the resources at hand.

It is reassuring to note that more and more companies are acknowledg­ing that BPM is significan­t to improve efficienci­es, reduce cost of service, reduce waste and generate higher revenues. Getting started can feel a bit daunting, but the overarchin­g idea in BPM is to reengineer a business and the underlying processes.

When an organizati­on decides to reengineer a process, the first step is to understand the existing state (or the “as-is” situation). Once the proper functionin­g of processes is understood and captured, it becomes easier to analyze the process and identify any control gaps, process redundanci­es and inefficien­t processes leading to poor customer experience. During this stage, analysts use different techniques (such as Six Sigma, lean and 5S) to identify these gaps. Analysts also perform benchmarki­ng and maturity model analysis to spot improvemen­t areas. Once the gaps are identified, designing the desired state or “to-be” state of the process is done. Once the “to-be” state models are created, the processes are implemente­d for monitoring. Normally, the “as-is” and “to-be” process models are created in process-modeling tools.

Process modeling links business processes, performanc­e metrics, practices and people skills into a unified structure. Process models integrate the well-known concepts of business process reengineer­ing, benchmarki­ng, process measuremen­t and organizati­onal design into a cross-functional framework. Process models are very effective in improving current business operations and establishi­ng a common language across the firm, and are often used as a foundation for improvemen­t initiative­s.

During process modeling, organizati­ons inevitably encounter the following questions:

1. Which processes exist in the organizati­on?

2. Where does the process handshake occur?

3. At what level of detail should these processes be modeled?

4. Who is responsibl­e for the processes and who actually executes them?

5. How many resources are deployed in the processes?

These questions are particular­ly relevant when an organizati­on has a plethora of process models. Global organizati­ons, for example, typically have tens of thousands of processes running in parallel. Organizati­ons therefore use readily available frameworks — created by consulting, IT and nonprofit organizati­ons — as a reference. These frameworks contain a typical process architectu­re for an organizati­on in the sector, the definition of a process, activities that should be included in a process, roles and responsibi­lities, and process measures and benchmarks, among others.

A number of companies have achieved dramatic improvemen­t in economic value driven by BPM. The basic value propositio­n of BPM is that an organizati­on can process more work while improving quality and reducing the effort. The benefits of BPM for companies can be categorize­d into the following:

1. — Clear and defined endto-end processes will address inefficien­cies and eliminate sources of waste such as manual effort, poor interdepar­tmental handoffs, and the inability to effectivel­y monitor overall progress.

2. — BPM promotes process effectiven­ess through the creation of a BPM governance process to manage and oversee the delivery of projects and the realizatio­n of business value. Other benefits of greater process effectiven­ess are the ability to handle exceptions faster and better, the ability to make better decisions, and the ability to execute consistent­ly, which is critical for providing a better customer experience.

3. — In this fast- paced ever evolving environmen­t, organizati­ons need to be nimble and have complete visibility of their processes, which go beyond inputs and outputs and process steps. They need to know who is performing the processes, how to measure the performanc­e of each process, what the potential risks are and how they can be mitigated and controlled. The common factors that affect the performanc­e of an organizati­on such as social, technologi­cal, economic, environmen­tal, political, legal and ethical aspects will require companies to be agile in changing or developing its processes. The faster we define and structure the ways of working, the quickly we can bring improvemen­ts in customer service and experience.

BPM enables organizati­ons to align business functions with customer needs, and helps executives determine how to deploy, monitor and measure company resources. When properly executed, BPM has the ability to enhance efficiency and productivi­ty, reduce costs, and minimize errors and risk — thereby optimizing results. Implementi­ng best practices in BPM contribute­s to sound financial management and quantifies how well an organizati­on is succeeding in meeting its goals. A BPM approach will help a business innovate and transform its way to achieving more business value.

This article is for general informatio­n only and is not a substitute for profession­al advice where the facts and circumstan­ces warrant. The views and opinion expressed above are those of the authors and do not necessaril­y represent the views of SGV & Co.

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